(BlackNews.com) — Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, the world’s oldest intercollegiate fraternity founded by African-American men, will host its 107th anniversary convention at the Austin Convention Center and Hilton Austin Hotel from June 25-30. Thousands of Alpha members from nearly 700 chapters spanning four continents and their families will descend upon the capital city to take part in five days of leadership workshops and service projects.
Alpha will kick off the public portion of the convention with a community service project in support of the fraternity’s mission. Alpha members will invite youth from the Austin metropolitan area to participate in the “Leadership Development Institute” (LDI) program on Wednesday, June 26, at the Hilton Austin Hotel. This program will focus on service, team building and how good leadership yields success from the classroom to the boardroom.
“We look forward to holding our first convention in Austin and having a positive impact on the local community,” said Mark S. Tillman, general president of Alpha Phi Alpha. “This convention is a tremendous opportunity for Alpha to invest in our members, the people of Austin and their future.” Tillman, a long-time mentor for Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, is committed to investing in and mentoring youth throughout his tenure as general president.
As part of the “A Voteless People is a Hopeless People” community/voter education program, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity will host a public program at the Hilton Austin Hotel. The public program will focus on the United States Supreme Court’s upcoming decisions on voting rights and race, and the recent actions by the court on affirmative action. Ari Melber, co-host of the MSNBC show “The Cycle,” will serve as the keynote speaker. The program will take place on Wednesday, June 26, from 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.
In an effort to address the nation’s unemployment rate, Alpha will hold a free career fair featuring Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and nonprofit organizations. The career is free and open to the public. It will be Friday, June 28th, from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. at the Austin Convention Center, 500 E. Cesar Chavez Street, Austin, TX 78701.
With a focus on scholarship, Alpha Phi Alpha will also host the Miss Black and Gold Scholarship Pageant. This year, contestants from the University of Georgia, Penn State, Central State and Southern Universities will compete on Thursday, June 27, for scholarship prizes and the 2013 Miss Black and Gold crown.