District 4 Councilmember Mark Cooks will serve as the new Mayor Pro Tem for the City of Duncanville for the next year. The City Council voted 6-0 in favor with one abstention during the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 4.
“It is an honor to have the support from my fellow City Council Members to serve as our City’s Mayor Pro Tem,” said Councilmember Mark Cooks, “I am really looking forward to the challenge of serving, as well as working with our Council and Staff to continue growing our City.”
As Mayor Pro Tem, Councilman Cooks will serve in case of the absence of the Mayor. His duties include presiding over City Council Meetings, representing the City at events and speaking engagement and assisting staff when requested for special projects.
Councilmember Cooks was elected as District 4 Councilmember in June 2012.