The Irving City Council will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, July 25. The agenda is planned to include the Development Agreement for the long-planned for Entertainment Center, adjacent to the Convention Center in Las Colinas. A great deal of work has gone into the preparation of this proposal including the release of the lawsuit brought by the former developer of the project against the City. Those releases will also be on the agenda for approval.
A body of opposition, led by the City’s mayor, remains. It is expected that group will be present at the Council meeting to voice their disapproval. Therefore, those that support the proposed Entertainment Center are encouraged to be present at the July 25 Council meeting and voice their approval.
Those wishing to voice their support should be at Irving City Hall -825 W. Irving Blvd.-prior to 7 p.m. and sign in for the appropriate item number, requesting to speak.
It is vital City Council members hear positive voices.
Don’t let the negative noise drown out the support for what many believe is a vital piece of economic development for Las Colinas, and one that will benefit the entire City as it supports the Convention Center and its hotel.
Anyone unable to attend the meeting can still have an opportunity for their voices to be heard by sending emails to
The NDG who tool money from GEARS, WEBB and MEAGHER…
NOoooo no connection