Thursday, July 4, 2024

Since Paula Deen prevailed in lawsuit did she really deserve to lose all the endorsements?

PaulaDeen2012A federal judge threw out a racial discrimination lawsuit against Paula Deen, but the financial damage resulting from the celebrity chef’s admitted use of a slur has already been done.

The Southern cuisine expert still has a net worth of $10 million, but her annual earning potential has been cut by several million dollars, according to Brian Warner, managing editor of

Warner estimated that Deen made between $5 million and $10 million in annual revenue from cookbooks, restaurants, branded retail products, sponsorships and Scripps Networks Interactive’s Food Network. He said she probably made a salary of $600,000 from television appearances alone.

But after having lost the Food Network, the sponsorships, and much of the retail business, her annual revenue is reduced to an estimated $3 million, said Warner. That’s from her remaining assets: primarily her two restaurants in Savannah, Ga. — The Lady and Sons and Uncle Bubba’s Oyster House — as well as her accompanying retail store.

Read the full story at CNNMoney.

Paula is certainly wealthy by any measurement. However, with the case now dismissed, do you feel like she was treated unfairly. Does she deserve to have lost all of the endorsements because of past indiscretions? 


  1. Paula Deen’s honesty for a remark made 20 years ago which, by the way, was all too common then, is not something to be punished. This is merely a network pandering to political correctness, (which stifles free speech), nothing more. If Americans would lose the “NEED” to be hyper-sensitive about anything and everything just as an outlet to bitch, perhaps they’d finally awaken to matters of true importance such as the criminals that have been running the US Government these last 20-30 or so years and the unconstitutional laws passed in the name of “security” such as the (un) Patriot Act and the NDAA! As the US dollar goes the way of the DoDo bird, Americans find comfort in pointing blame at one another or watching “Dancing with the Stars”. What a sad state we’ve become! What has made us believe the government or that we’re entitled to care, cradle to grave? Man-up and woman-up and take your liberty from the Ruling Elite and bought and paid for Representatives in DC! If we don’t do it now, it will be too late tomorrow!


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