Monday, July 8, 2024

Letters to the Editor

indexIn response to last week’s cover story, Humanizing the Trinity River Corridor Project

My predecessor is correct; all of the so-called informative meetings which the city council for this area have scheduled have either been dead-ends (information from 2009 or before) or scheduled so that no one can attend (i.e., last year when parades were going on and all streets leading to downtown from West Dallas where the most important meeting was held were blocked off)? Why couldn’t the meeting, if it was so vital to the residents, not be held in West Dallas where others before and after it were held?

The City of Dallas is notorious for limiting information and (putting it bluntly) lying about their intentions. Their plan is to raise taxes until no one can afford to pay them and take private property and claim ignorance as to ownership so that no one else can buy it.

They do not give police and fire assistance nor will they clear out the drug houses. This in an attempt to drive out the decent citizens so that they can just come in and take the area, because they do not plan to compensate the current residents for their property.

They only cater to Habitat for Humanity to build housing in the area on property the City has seized. When did the area become Los Altos and La Bajada when it has been mostly black for decades? When did the redistricting take place? Why is everyone “unavailable” when serious and important questions need to be answered?

Why don’t they just tell the truth?

Anonymous via


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