Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Is George Zimmerman spiraling out of control?

George Zimmerman is having a rough 24 hour news cycle. First, his estranged wife, Shellie, accuses him brandishing a gun and hitting her father. However, she has wavered on her story and now does not appear likely to press charges. Although reportedly the police are considering charges – against both Zimmerman’s

So, even with the 911 call being offered to the public, it appeared the story might fade away. But today has brought more twists to the story.

Huffington Post reported:

“Shellie Zimmerman claims her estranged husband, George Zimmerman, broke into pieces an iPad she used to record video of their confrontation Monday afternoon, Officer Zach Hudson of the Lake Mary (Fla.) Police Department told The Huffington Post.

“That iPad is in half a dozen pieces at this point,” Hudson said. The remains of the device have been sent to a lab where technicians will attempt to extract the video Shellie Zimmerman recorded and any other potential evidence that might be stored on it.”

Now comes word today that his attorney Mark O’Mara is not going to represent him in two upcoming matters. This might suggest Zimmerman is out of control, if they are willing to fire their golden egg. Or perhaps he fired them – the timing just seems very interesting. According to ABCNews:

“George Zimmerman’s lawyer said today he will no longer represent the man acquitted of murder in the death of teenager Trayvon Martin, even as police say that Zimmerman or his wife could face charges over Monday’s domestic dispute.”

Actually further down in the story, O’Mara’s office did indicate they still plan to represent Zimmerman in his lawsuit against NBC News.


  1. George has been “gone” since he decided to go out on patrol for the neighborhood watch group without consent from the group. His murder of Travon Martin was the first big indication of his insanity. Now that he has money and celebrity status, there’s no telling where or how or when he will make his next big mistake…especially since he has so much support from so many white people….


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