People in the News

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

People in the News

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

North Texas Women crusade to get 100,000 signatures of women who pledge to say no to married men

imageDallas, TX…… Chanel Price knows all too well the trap of dating married men. She has chronicled her journey and lessons learned in a new book The Mistress Trap. Her experience has lead her to launch a crusade to bring awareness to a culture of increasing infidelity.

Chanel encourages all women to take the fidelity pledge on her web site and in her book. Anyone can be vulnerable to an affair with a married man. She is encouraging all single and married women to take the pledge and enter an accountability relationship with a woman that they trust. She hopes that by bringing the issue to mind before the opportunity for infidelity presents itself, it will decrease the likelihood that it will happen, thus curtailing a soaring divorce rate.

She is hosting book signings, social media events, attending parties, festival and speaking to groups to garner 100,000 signatures from Texas women who will take the pledge to say no to married men.

“A trap set, whether intentional or unintentional is still a trap.,” says Chanel. In her new 113-page paperback book, she details her story of dating married man and offers advice on how to avoid the traps set for women in these kinds of relationships.

image 5“I pray that through this inside look you can see the grave deception of The Mistress Trap and will make a decision to be the catalyst for change and break this evil cycle once and for all,” she said.

For women who are interested in taking the pledge, they can go to to find out how. Anyone interested in Chanel bringing the pledge to their group, church, or event, can e-mail her at

The book, The Mistress Trap, is written in a simple, easy to read style. It outlines Chanel’s as well as the stories of other mistresses. She says her objective is not to glorify sin or to condemn others, but instead to offer both biblical and first hand advice that she hopes will keep women out of the mistress trap.

“This pandemic of bold infidelity is out of control and it has been for a while. Someone has to take a

stand,” she said

For more schedule and interview e-mail or call 214 774-2194.