Wednesday, June 26, 2024

GLAAD says A&E chose profits over African Americans and gay community

Phil Robertson reinstated by A&E
Phil Robertson reinstated by A&E

We’re sure you’re not surprised to learn that GLAAD is not amused with A&E’s decision to reinstate Phil Robertson to “Duck Dynasty.

Here’s what the gay rights organization had to say via a statement:

“Phil Robertson should look African American and gay people in the eyes and hear about the hurtful impact of praising Jim Crow laws and comparing gay people to terrorists,” the organization said in a statement. “If dialogue with Phil is not part of next steps then A+E has chosen profits over African American and gay people – especially its employees and viewers.”

Read the rest of the report at EURWeb. Are you surprised at how quickly A&E backed off their suspension?


  1. And GLAAD chooses hate over the best interests of the gay community.

    Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) cannot exist if there isn’t Defamation of Gays and Lesbians. As GLAAD hasn’t been able to find any real defamation they created some. That GLAAD doesn’t have any real defamation it can find should be good news for the homosexual community even though tolerance and understanding are bad for GLAAD.

    The other way to look at it is not such good news for homosexuals. GLAAD, unable to find any real defamation pursued this story hoping it would create a backlash against the homosexual community through an uptick in verbal and physical assaults on gays thus justifying its, GLAADS, existence.

  2. This is only the beginning.The rest of us are sick of these pedophiles trying to bully us into going along with the sick ways.The regular non sick folks have had enough.People of this country will never accept these sick sexual-deviants no matter how many laws you pass. THIS WAS BIGGER THAN PHIL ROBERTSON THIS WAS GOOD NORMAL GOD LOVING AMERICANS HAVING SICKOS TRYING TO TAKE AND DICTATE THERE SICK VILE BEHAVIOR ON GOOD PEOPLE WHO KNOW THIS IS NOTHING MORE THEN NASTY PERVERTS !!GLAAD SHOULD BE DECLARED A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION AND DRONE ATTACKED.

  3. So much happening in the Duck Dynasty flap. Here are some headlines you may have missed! @Alessandra_Ref

    A&E sad! Discovers fake redneks MUCH better than real gays and lesbians, bis, trans, zoophiles, pedophiles, and adulterers! #DuckDynasty

    Gaystapo wants A&E to air PSAs to teach Phil the gay orifice is better than the V-one! #DuckDynasty Charlie Sheen approves: Finally decency!

    Men With Sheep Anti-Defamation league complains Phil used “vile and extreme” stereotypes against them in GQ! #DuckDynasty

    Men With Sheep Anti-Defamation league: “Abomination” in the Bible wasn’t referring to them! Phil is a bigot! #DuckDynasty

    Men With Sheep Anti-Defamation league demands new A&E PSA: Jesus never said anything against men with sheep! #DuckDynasty

    Men With Sheep Anti-Defamation league riled with Phil’s bigotry against them! Where’s that Christian tolerance, they ask #DuckDynasty

    Adulterers Anti-Defamation league wants dialogue with Phil, showing they’re raising families, so that makes it all OK! #DuckDynasty

    Men With Sheep Anti-Defamation league also wants dialogue with Phil, showing they’re raising families, so it’s all OK! #DuckDynasty

    Terrorists’ Anti-Defamation League complains lumped with all the perverts in GQ! We’re not into those gay orifices! #DuckDynasty

    Adulterers Anti-Defamation league demands A&E reality show to show people how normal they are! Demand inclusion, applause! #DuckDynasty

    Lastly, Men With Sheep Anti-Defamation league vows to take A&E to task on their new policy of “tolerance+acceptance among all people”!


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