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People in the News

Sunday, March 16, 2025

People in the News

Sunday, March 16, 2025

The moral imperative of now

founding-fathersBy Barry Curtis

The tyranny of time is always the suffrage of all good things and all good men. Time withers not only the vines of the earth but of the heart and the spirit that drives the heart. There is without question a great relevance in executing the moral imperatives of the day, now! This position is life changing and lifesaving. Regardless of opposition, regardless of threats and the weariness of our struggles we should always accept the patriotic position of the moral imperative of now.

If you witnessed a child playing in the street with oncoming traffic would you hesitate to act to get the child out of harm’s way? Of course not! The same instinctive position should be taken as it relates to our personal liberty.

History is brandished with many examples of Americans acting in the moral interest now. There are equal amounts of historical examples in which as a nation we have rejected the moral necessity of acting now.

Our founding fathers did “highly resolve” that the king represented a direct threat upon the liberties of the colonist. The declaration of independence was signed in 1776. However that was years after the colonist took abuse after tax raising liberty taking abuses from the king and his minions. Looking back it is interesting to see that even after the start of the revolutionary war less than 10 percent of the colonies took part in the struggle for independence. The majority of the colonies later recognized the moral necessity of the struggle but at the time support was anemic at best.

What is the lesson in that historical example? It is clear that you may be in the minority position, but that does not lessen the need to act now. Just because the majority of individuals reject your position that should not lesson your enthusiasm to act or your moral imperative to act now!

A lack of knowledge can be just as self-defeating as a lack of action. Most fail to act with urgency because they lack knowledge of the threat. The greatest threat to Americans today is the persistent and consistent passage of law, regulations and rules that constrict our lives.

In January 2014, 40 thousand new laws took effect. This assault on the daily freedoms of Americans at some point will be irreversible. The very existence of these wide arrays of written controls threatens your rights as a citizen. It may in fact criminalize certain behaviors.

These laws impede business and restrict where you live, what you drive, where you drive, how fast you drive, what you carry in your car, get the point? The greater point is when a government has the ability to enforce a law, that government will do so out of self-preservation. The only thing government produces is more government and it will protect its offspring.

Clearly we see in this the moral imperative to act now!

We act by doing three things: one, we reject through the ballot box all attempts to continue to create more government; two we jealously guard our enumerated constitutional rights protecting us from the government; and three we engage in, where necessary acts of civil disobedience, to reject the encroachment on our liberties.

We proscribe here basic steps to ensure our resistance to big government’s persistence. There will be some that may call this radical. Yes it is! Radicalism can also be described as a quick and sudden change of course or action. That is at the core of a moral imperative of now, quick decisive actions.

I call upon all liberty loving Americans to take to heart the moral imperative of now. There can be little justification of a moral position when the answer is to sit and do nothing. Morality suggests actions now.

Read The Curtis report at