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People in the News

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

People in the News

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

DCCC denies Boehner’s claims Obama’s minimum wage hike would hurt minorities

obama Statement from Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee:

Earlier today Speaker John Speaker denounced President Obama’s decision to raise minimum wage for federal contractors saying a national minimum wage hike would “hurt minorities.”

In reality, minorities – especially African Americans – are overrepresented in the poverty-wage workforce and would substantially benefit from a raise in the minimum wage according to a study by the Economic Policy Institute. Democrats proposed a minimum wage increase but every one of Boehner’s House Republicans voted against it

“Instead of lending a hand to strengthen millions of African American middle class families and grow the economy by raising wages to reward hard work, Speaker Boehner would rather sit on his hands and leave them out in the cold,” said Tyrone Gayle, DCCC Deputy National Press Secretary and African American Media Advisor. “This is a classic case of the wrong priorities that led to Speaker Boehner and his Tea Party shutting down the government, refusing to extend unemployment benefits and stacking the deck for their special interest donors instead of hardworking families.”


  1. G.A.U.C . . . G.A.U.C …

    What is good for the goose (the working poor) is good for the gander (John Boehner and other Republicans). Thus if poorly paid workers must suffer inadequate incomes for owners to stay in business then the owners should enjoy the same level of low income for the sake of keeping a low paying business going.

    This assumes that Republicans like U.S. House Speaker Boehner is sincere in justifying inadequate incomes by a need to keep a business going for some apparent overall good which in a mass-consumption economy is hard to see how it would work as demonstrated that it has not. But if so, then no one needs to make any money off of the backs of the equivalent of slave labor, not even the masters that use to profit from doing so and an owner cannot personally pay wages below a minimum wage if the owner’s income is also at the same low level.

    Boehner can explain to the masters why it is good for them to also be down and out because they are with their employees just on the lower rung of the economic ladder and along with the workers will one day be jointly climbing up and up.

    Master and workers together a part of the Great Americans Underprivileged Class (GAUC). No class warfare in all being in the same boat and Boehner and right-wing Republicans will want to join them in low income for the good of all. They can all sing along,

    G.A.U.C… you will find it fine in the G.A.U.C
    Young man, young man, there’s no need to feel down.
    Young man, young man, get yourself down of the ground.
    G.A.U.C…. just drop down into the G.A.U.C.

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