I don’t know Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis. I don’t think I have ever met Wendy Davis. She seems like a nice person, I just simply don’t like her politics.
Texans like most Americans get the flip flop demonstrated by politicians on the issues of the day. How often have we heard that he or she was against this or that before they were for it? Well so be it, it comes with the territory I guess of being a politician.
What Wendy Davis should take note of is this? You can be uncertain and even wrong about political issues but the events of your personal life; well you have to get right. Here is where Wendy Davis fails to make the cut. She has recounted have been not only inaccurate but simply a lie.
Davis states that she was divorced when she was 19. She was actually divorced when she was 21. Why does this matter? It matters because Wendy Davis wants you to believe that she had a tough life as a single mother and thru some efforts of her own that she overcame those obstacles. She understands that Texans love a good come from behind story or rags to riches if you will. What Mrs. Davis will also be keen to note is that Texans equally demand the truth.
Davis states that she lived in a trailer park. She did. She didn’t however live there as long as she claimed. The truth is she appears to have lived there a matter of months not years. She seems to be staking a claim that suggests that it’s bad to live in a mobile home? Somehow that is the epitome of struggle and disgrace if you have a prefab home as your permanent residence? Frankly all the good hard working folks that live in a mobile home should be offended.
Davis on her website also stated that she worked her way through college and struggled afterwards to pay back these mounting and stressful student loan debts. That was a lie as well. The truth is her husband at the time cashed in his 401k and paid off her student loan debt. Mrs. Davis promptly left her husband and child after the debt was paid. That’s a hard lesson for the kid and husband to learn.
One thing that Davis has got to get right with is the truth. She is running for the state’s highest executive position and she has demonstrated a callous and amateurish approach to honesty. Remember this Wendy Davis here in Texas both honesty and BOB wills are still king.
Barry Curtis can be reached via www.thecurtisreport.com.