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People in the News

Friday, March 14, 2025

People in the News

Friday, March 14, 2025

Curtis Report: The continued shame of the Dallas County Republican Party’s disdain toward black conservatives


John Lawson is a Republican candidate for Texas Senate in Dallas County. Why is he not receiving any support from the GOP establishment?
John Lawson is a Republican candidate for Texas Senate in Dallas County. Why is he not receiving any support from the GOP establishment?

On the eve of the Texas State Republican Convention we conservatives are mystified at the continued biased being displayed by the Dallas county GOP toward a fellow black conservative. I speak of the courageous campaign of republican Pastor John Lawson, a staunch black conservative who is engaged in a tenacious battle for State Senate Seat District 23 against Democratic pro abortionist Sen. Royce West.

The Dallas County Republican Party has not only ignored and shunned Pastor Lawson, who is the primary winner for the Republican Party, but they have gone to extreme positions to deny his victory. This is the third major article written about the biased positions of the Dallas county Republican Party against black conservatives and to this point according to the Lawson campaign, the Dallas county GOP has still not picked up the phone and called to offer support. This is odd since Wade Emmett (Chair of the Dallas county Republican Party) and I spoke after the first controversial column I wrote hit the press three weeks ago. In that conversation, Wade assured me that we would open a dialogue and resolve any issues that may be there. There has been no communication from the county GOP to Mr. Lawson.

Wade, please enlighten me: does the Dallas county GOP not make out bound calls? Wade do you have issues with calling black conservatives or conservatives in general?

Wade Emmert is quoted as saying, “all he has to do (Pastor John Lawson) is ask for help.”

Well Pastor Lawson did you hear that all you have to do is say please?  Perhaps say Mother may I? Pastor Lawson they want you as a black conservative to call and beg. Well isn’t that the well-polished uppity republican establishment calling the conservative kettle black!  

I ask you sir how long will this bullying go on? The longer the Dallas county Republican Party purposely allows Pastor Lawson to languish all alone against his democratic opponent the less moral ground they can stand on as a party.  There is a tipping point when the discriminatory non value they show Pastor Lawson becomes perilously close to racial discrimination.

Morally how long can the Dallas county establishment elements of the GOP deny the republican challenger who won the primary any support? Dr. Martin Luther King taught us that the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.  This is a clear injustice. In addition this is a clear embarrassment for the Dallas county GOP, at least the establishment elements of it who show a clear disdain for not only black conservatives but conservatives in general.

Wade Emmert when you address the state delegates to the GOP convention in Fort Worth this week, to whom will you be talking to?  Will you be addressing all the candidates gathered, All but the conservative candidates, all but the black conservative candidates?  Be careful Dallas county establishment GOP your audience is getting smaller and smaller.

I wonder if my press credentials will be approved to attend the state republican convention.


Barry Curtis can be reached at 


  1. Wow, I didn’t realize this is going on. Lately I feel that the Republican is discriminating w/I it’s own party, and that’s why we are so weak up in DC. A conservative is someone who share the same beliefs or values, not the color of their skin. We need to unite to take America back, not divide, Obama is doing a good job of that already!

  2. This story is full of CRAP. I am the VP Preston West Republican Women in Dallas. I know of not a single member who dislikes black conservatives. That crap comes from the Left and we’ve seen it for years, starting with the Left’s treatment of Clarence Thomas. SCOTT TURNER for Texas House! Sincerely, ” Lilly White” Renee J. Cameron -Dallas, TX

  3. Renee,

    I have to step in and point out Barry Curtis is NOT a member of the left. We offer his columns to provide a perspective that is different from the more left leaning columnists in our paper and on our website. So, whether you agree with him or not, I can assure you it does not come from the point of view of a liberal. You are welcome to visit his website or listen to his radio shows for yourself.

    To your point about people disliking black conservatives — I think the question is why is there no support from the party for this candidate.

    Appreciate you taking the time to write.

  4. Renee, if this story is “full of CRAP”, then why did your “Lilly White” self not even remotely address the fact that Pastor Lawson is receiving NO GOP support? Are you seriously so numb to the world around you that you can’t see basic deliberate racism? You are a typical fake…what we true conservatives call a RHINO! I suggest you put down your cocktail and at least attempt to cash a reality check!

  5. Because, I consider the Republican mainstream party to be against anything new when it comes to equality. I have concluded that the Republicans only will allow blacks and women to rise to a certain level within their ranks but not be supportive if it comes to a position higher than their acceptance level.I have seen this practice with Alan Keyes and Sarah Palin as well as with the latest, Herman Cain and let me assure you, the game that was run on Herman Cain was not created from outside the Republican party but from within. As a TEA Party member, many of us support the best qualified candidate based upon their desire to govern within the frame of the Constitution. We have seen just recently Mitch McConnell and Thad Cochran garner support from the good old boy club while candidates with the ability and a vision to bring jobs and a direction to benefit every American willing to work hard have an opprotunity to do so. I’m a white conservative that left the Republican party years ago because of the injustices I was seeing and believe me I in no way support the ideologies of the Democtaric party because if you get food stamps, free Section 8 housing and a welfare check each month then you’ve gone as far in life that you can possibly ever hope to go. I am not an enemy of minorities, I know that each of you can succeeed and I want to encourage you as did Martin Luther King Jr. build yourself up based upon your character not on the injustices of past generations which many of us had nothing to do with. Quit living in the past and focus on the future. Avoid those that want to spend their lives in 1863, you weren’t there and neither was I. Lets work toward one common goal to create opprotunities for our fellow citizens and generations to come. Let us be the generation looking ahead to what we can do not looking back at what we should have done.

  6. Very sad. I hope he wins anyhow! We need good men to lead this nation out of the crap we are in. Most likely this is a outsider and we know the outsider or AKA regular American people are not always welcomed by the establishment..

  7. Why, you ask?
    Well, to put it in words that even a liberal can understand, I submit the following for your perusal: We the people have been lied to, stolen from, and made fools of by those whom we’ve sent to speak in our stead. Rather than upholding their oath of office, the career politician has only one thing in mind, reelection… at any cost. Of course seniority in Congress allows one certain perks that are not meant for common folk. Does it surprise anyone with half a usable brain cell that the “good old boy’s club” is alive and well, and thriving like never in history?
    After all, why do you think we get 3000+ page bills, which no one understands, worth trillions of OUR dollars? The answer is quite simple, in such large numbers, much more can be siphoned off for the benefit of members and their families and friends. Wake up Americans, we’ve been duped into believing that only those with lots of little letters after their names, are fit to lead us. Ask yourself this, was that the intent of the founders? We will only take America back if we dismantle this demon we call Congress. We must STOP electing career politicians to Congress… both Houses! We also need to look at the over representation of the legal profession in OUR Congress. 70% of the Senate and over 35% of the House members are lawyers… hence the 3000+ page bills.
    I believe that we the people have only 2 more elections to save this country from the hands of those who want to “fundamentally transform” America. The REAL enemies of America aren’t hiding in caves in the ME, they’re hiding in suits in DC… and we the people are the only ones who can rid America of such people. For those of you who are left leaning, if you believe these so-called leaders have your best interest at heart, you’re wrong. They care even less about you, and if they gain total power, as they appear to desire, they will crush you as well.

  8. Why are you idiots not holding this man up as an example of what a black man should be. A decent, hard working, conservative who wants to make this country better and take it back from the crazy ass liberal Democratic party. No wonder you lost to Obama. You guys are just fools. We have to stick together. Show some common sense for once. I’m beginning to think Republicans are just as delusional as Democrats.

  9. Dear NDG Staff, I confess I read this article hastily. I am so used to the Left trashing Conservatives for “not being inclusive” when, in reality, we grass-root Conservatives welcome eagerly all Conservative thought regardless of color of skin, with open arms, that i jumped to conclusions about this article. I am a fan of Barry Curtis and follow him on FB. Why Pastor Lawson is not being supported by the Republican establishment is a good question. Why the Establishment GOP does not support our more Conservative candidates across the nation is also a concern. Thank you for “setting me straight”. Renee J. Cameron

  10. Dear NDG Staff, Thank you for acknowledging that I am indeed open minded. I am more than that. I believe in the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. that, “one should be judged by the content of their character, not the color their skin”. I am not familiar with Pastor Lawson, so cannot speak to the DCRP support or lack thereof. But, I can tell you I worked tirelessly on the Pastor Stephen Broden campaign to unseat Eddie Bernice Johnson. While, he lost in that heavily Democrat District. I have zero doubt that he would have won had he of run in a Republican District, where he had tons of support. I have family members and long-time friends who happen to be black. My 2016 Presidential “Dream Team” is Ted Cruz/Allen West. And not due to the color of their skin, but, to the Conservative Principles in which they hold. I take great offense your publications’ attaching of my name to an internet link suggesting I am part of some “Racist Republican Shame”. That is entirely misrepresenting what I said in my initial comments and inflammatory. I respectfully request that you remove this false association. Thank you, Renee J. Cameron

  11. Renee,

    NDG did not add your name to any internet link labeled Racist Republican Shame. If you are referring to this article — you printed your name. If you are referring to something else, please share a link because maybe I am misunderstanding the request.


  12. NDG Staff,

    Thank you for responding. The link does not show what is on internet underneath the link.

    The article Header is “The Continued Shame of the Dallas Republican Party.” Following that is this:

    Jun 4, 2014 – On the eve of the Texas State Republican Convention we conservatives are mystified … Sincerely, ” Lilly White” Renee J. Cameron -Dallas, TX.

    That implies that I am somehow a part of a “so-called Republican Shame” since I signed my name “Lilly White” which I did specifically to drive home my point that I disagree with the assessment that “White Republicans do not support black Republican candidates”,

    Thank you, Renee

  13. Unfortunately I cannot change the section where you fill out your name and email address. Also, given the explanation provided in your comments, any reader will be able to understand your point of view and not assume you are directly part of the situation — that you were attempting to drive your point home with sarcasm.

  14. I searched google for the title of the article – our version does not pop up on page 1.
    I searched for your name and no link to the article pops up. Again, I cannot change where you inserted your name on the opening form.

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