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People in the News

Friday, March 14, 2025

People in the News

Friday, March 14, 2025

Curtis Report: Black people can’t think

barry curtisBy Barry Curtis

I don’t know which has a worse view of events, the crazies on the far left or the uppity establishment republicans on the issue of the black conservatives. Both sides have an equally condescending view of the black conservative. It is clear that the left seems to exact the greater damage, however, in clear stereotypical language and expectations of the black social character.

The far left liberal crazies insist that all black people should be liberal democrats. To the left in this country, to be born black means you have inherited all the traits necessary to qualify you as a staunch liberal puppet. They are convinced that by your birth you are an entitlement loving, big government needing, federal housing subsidizing, food stamp collecting, Tea party hating, democrat. The liberals encourage the black populous to just do and not think. Why would you need to think? All your needs are taken care of. It would be disrespectful in the eyes of the liberal left to think or act in any way that would offend the liberal handout givers.

Black people, the liberals want you to hear this if nothing else: Your happiness, your well-being, including your education, food, and even your healthcare, all depend on the good graces of the liberal elite. Be thankful, black people, and show your gratitude by your vote.

The danger to the liberal left’s hold over the willing black populous is a well thought out position on social and political issues by a black man or woman. If a black man says perhaps, hard work and risk-taking in business can in the long run yield better results than a government hand out of food stamps, what would that do to the lefts ideological hold over uneducated blacks?

When blacks do take a different stance than the liberal lap dogs suggest, well the results aren’t pretty. You see if a black does begin to think for themselves, let’s take a Herman Cain for example or a Dr. Ben Carson? What are the results? The liberal crazy left attacks these smart men as “yes men” and “uncle toms.” The liberal left is incapable of refuting their arguments so they are left to demonize these noble men and make every attempt to delegitimize their accomplishments.

Dr. Ben Carson, a world renown neurosurgeon; and Herman Cain, the former CEO of Godfathers Pizza and board member of the Coca Cola company. These are hardly uncle toms. They garner far more respect than a community organizer and a man who has been subsidized by the public all their lives. They are the embodiment of thinking black conservatives.

Blacks can think and do think differently on political issues. We as black people do ourselves a disservice when we accept only the liberal line or any line without broad thought and a keen investigatory attitude. We must break through the tired old stereotypes that enslaves us politically and economically.

White men can jump, black people can think, and Asian people drive just fine. Some of my best friends are black red necks and white liberals.

Barry Curtis can be reached at


  1. Wow, not quite sure where to start as it seems you don’t quite get it….the full picture that is. Democrats/Republicans, liberals/conservatives are merely 2 sides of the same coin, neither of which offers any sustainable or viable solutions for not only Black people, but any just society. And next time you want to make an argument in favor of Black conservatism it would behoove you to select much better examples. Ben Carson is a highly gifted neurosurgeon, however the things he has been espousing lately calls into question his motives at best and intelligence at least. Herman Cain?……there aren’t enough characters in this comment box.

  2. Visit, read, comment: thousands of black MS open primary voters are about to think for themselves, whether you like it or not!, read our blog.

  3. Defining The Political Views Of Any One Due To The Color Of Their Skin, Is The Very Defines Of Racism. – Freedom Broke Chains Then, And Must Break Rank Now. – You Rock Curtis!

  4. I can find at least one part of the Curtis Report that I agree with. “We as black people do ourselves a disservice when we accept only the liberal line or any line without broad thought and a keen investigatory attitude”…I wonder if he really believes that…

  5. Individuals that have no serious rebuttal to an idea or principled position will necessarily attack and work to discredit the messenger, because the idea has it’s own merit and can stand on its own; like conservatism.
    It is also easier to lie to oneself and continue to hold to the past and the traditions of men, than to reconcile with the truth and change.

  6. Barry, It would be nice if your article could reach a broader spectrum. So often I hear some of the older folks only focusing on one issue at election time and that is that the government is going to cut back on something. In business cutbacks are common place, and they always have some affect on “somenone”, but business has to be profitable. As a black female, I have NEVER been eligible for any form of governmental assistance, and I fully believe that life can be well-lived without handouts.

  7. I know if I was a black man I would be highly offended at the way the liberal left seems to view all minorities. They are treated like children who needed to be taken care of. They are told what they should think and attacked it they don’t tow the party line.

  8. I think that using pigmentation of ones skin as a bases of anything is a very ignorant policy of that individual or groups….people need to wake up and not deal with or ignore them…the time of ignorance has to be gone to move forward.

  9. I think you should ignore these people that insist that pigmentation is a way to carry out their business.

  10. Mr Curtis once again eloquently wordsmiths the chains and shackles of 21st century slavery that not only enslaves our Brothers and Sisters in the Black Community – but has enslaved all Americans of all communities. Mediocrity is the Democrat mantra – ” let us not be self reliant, let us be dependent upon a government that wishes only to enrich and empower itself’.” A government that doesn’t care about women’s “health ” but rather the GENOCIDE of Black and Brown Americans. Ask not what your country can do for you… BLAH BLAH BLAH! The Democrat party is set on destroying America and anyone who thinks different – might as well have belonged to Jim Jones cult – cause they damn sure drank the kook aid!

  11. I think color of a persons skin should not stero type that person on what party he is with.but if that person is black,white ,Asian or what ever color of skin they may be,he should be able to have what ever he or she can work hard at and have.color is only skin deep.I am a white man with many friends that are black ,white,and Asian .i feel good at what I am able to do for myself.

  12. Great article. I do agree, some people on the “left” do have different beliefs; as well as some Republicans; but typically a Conservative Republican will listen to their voters & take into account their feelings, as well as they are typically Constitutionalists which will help fight for your rights!! I have met some great black people who are Conservative Republicans!!! Mr Barry Curtis is correct here, typically Liberals want u to be a puppet & do as they say & it keeps ur self-esteem low (they can get u to vote “their” way & they can basically brain wash u–when really they are not helping you as an individual one bit–they just brain wash you to make u think they are all about you)!! Stand up, be proud of who u r & have gratitude & venture out to meet those Conservative Republicans (who are typically Constitutionalists & believe in ur rights & believe in u as an individual & treat u as an individual /not as a puppet)! Not all Republicans are alike-your Tea Party Republicans are your TRUE Conservative Republicans & Constitutionalists who believe in your legal rights as an individual & will stand up & FIGHT for those rights for you–they care about u & your family & they WANT to see you progress well in society & promote you as an individual & not just some number; wants to educate people that YOU matter & educate you on matters that will help you as an individual!!
    One of those Conservative Republicans is running for Senate in A Dallas Area -District 23. Mr John Lawson is a black man & listens to the people & believes in them as individuals. Please vote Mr John Lawson, Conservative Republican for Senate District 23!!!!

  13. I agree. That is the agenda of the liberal left democrat. But let us not limit the non-thinkers to just blacks, I know some whites that fall right into that category too. Some actually have worked very hard at one time but feel the Democrats have the right idea!?! I have heard them say that. And you cannot change their views with any amount of proof or argument. Then there are the “lazy whites” that feel living off the government is great and makes them look smart. That group is growing in numbers it seems. We must continue to teach our young the importance of hard work, free thinking, and building a lasting strong foundation and future on these beliefs with freedoms at the core.

  14. Barry this is an article I have been waiting for a black leader to step up and write. I feel like you break chains of bondage with truth. I work with people who are in bondage and as a Christian who does spiritual warfare against the enemy of us all and I have to say this article will bring the truth to the people. Now I pray they receive it!

  15. There is no way that I would be connected to this generation of the Democratic Party! They are anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Christian church, and anti-Religion. They hate God, believe in the perversion of the so-called “same sex marriage”, the killing of the innocent unborn, and taking away the freedom that Americans should have according to our Constitution. I wouldn’t dare go near them and I am a fully Black man with both of my parents being fully Black!

  16. It sad that blacks who want to be part of capitalist system that has made this country great and powerful .It is disgraceful the liberal establishment treats these productive citizens so terrible . No one should be insulted for working hard making risky investments and living a better life for themselves and their families .It is sad so many are content to live on handouts from liberals and vote like their bosses tell them to .

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