Saturday, July 6, 2024

Is America at risk of allowing China to dominate the 3D printing revolution?

Image: James Martin/CBS Interactive via TechRepublic
Image: James Martin/CBS Interactive via TechRepublic

Conner Forrest with TechRepublic provides an excellent overview of the advances MadeSolid is making in their effort to change the game in the 3D printing arena. The start-up company is attempting to provide quality material for consumers to use in the printing process. Reportedly a $2.5 billion market in 2014 will explode to $10.8 billion in 2018, but will they simply be producing junk or quality products?

One of the key quotes from the story that stood out is from Lance Pickens, a co-founder of MadeSolid, regarding the advancement as a major player in the 3D printing game:

“Pickens said that it seems like 3D printing is almost growing faster in China than the US, and he wouldn’t be surprised if China overtakes the US as one of the top countries for innovation in 3D printing. He also noted that there is a huge market for 3D printing in Europe, especially Germany and Scandinavia.”

I am reminded of similar articles regarding the advance of China in high speed rail, then again in their investment in Africa. Is corporate America’s protectionist attitude combined with the lack of real understanding from the general public going to derail our opportunity to be long-term global leaders in 3D marketplace?

Read more here.


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