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People in the News

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

People in the News

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

“Enough is Enough” as a man is sentenced to 23 years on shaky evidence


Civil rights activist Essie "Rerun" Berry
Civil rights activist Essie “Rerun” Berry

( — Civil rights activist Essie “Rerun” Berry, also widow of Fred Rerun from the hit TV sitcom “What’s Happening,” has recovered what she says is concrete evidence to exonerate an innocent man by the name of Omar Hutchinson.

Berry says that Hutchinson, a 32 year old father, son, coach and fiancé, has been falsely charged and convicted of crimes he did not commit. “The proof of Mr. Hutchinson’s innocence has been presented in Black and White, but our legal system has failed to acknowledge the facts,” Berry says.

According to Berry: On February 22, 2013 at 5:30 am, without obtaining an arrest warrant, NYPD crossed several jurisdictions, into Mount Vernon, located in Westchester County, and used excessive force to enter Mr. Hutchinson’s home. After being handcuffed, he was taken to the 112th Precinct where he was psychologically traumatized, verbally abused and beaten by the NYC Police Department. He was also threatened with being removed by immigration if he did not confess to the crimes as well. For over 13hrs Mr. Hutchinson was denied contact to the outside world. His loved ones had no idea of his location, he was denied contacting his attorney, and they rejected his request for bathroom privileges. This left him with no other choice but to defecate and urinate in his clothing. These actions resulted in Mr. Hutchinson giving a coerced false statement against himself.

A year and five months later, Berry decided to review the case and within 72 hours, she was able to uncover pertinent facts the NYPD and the D.A Timothy Reagan have refused to reveal. The so-called victim in this case named Sayfur Rahman is a well identified conman, known to scam and embezzle people out of their funds. Mr. Rahman has been living under several different names; he even used a bogus name to file his police report. Sayfur Rahman a.k.a Imran Khan has also assumed the identity of other individuals who are in preparation to come forward.

The judge in this case, Richard L. Butcher refused to allow certain evidence into trial to aid in Mr. Hutchinson’s defense. The judge has violated Omar Hutchinson’s 6th Amendment rights by not allowing Omar’s defense attorney to cross-examine this con artist in regards to his finances and also his character. From the look on his face, this frustrated his defense attorney and the audience as onlookers shook their head.

On June 16th, 2014, Judge Richard L. Butcher, the D.A. Timothy Reagan, and the corrupt cops from the 112th precinct in Queens N.Y. convicted Mr. Hutchinson in Queens County Criminal Courthouse. On July 30th, 2014 he was sentenced to 18 years with an additional 5 post years, totaling 23 years for a crime he did not commit.

Mr. Hutchinson was convicted due to a phone the police as well as the D.A. states belonged to him. They made claims it was in the location at the time of the crime and that’s what linked them to Mr. Hutchinson. After Berry opened an extensive investigation, she recovered the phone and the P.O. Box attached to it had no link to Omar Hutchinson. Subsequently the P.O. Box was linked to several businesses, including ones in NY. It was also in connection with major drug rings and seized by government officials in 2009 and 2011. The name attached to the phone was spelled similar but the address was linked to P.O. Box 54988 located in Irvine, California while Omar Hutchinson lived in New York.

There were 89 cameras in the vicinity with no trace of Mr. Hutchinson, no DNA evidence or fingerprints at the scene of the crime. No other assailants were captured although the police were given their identity. Theses factors are the reasons why Queens is the region with the highest overturn rates and NY is in the lead for wrongful convictions. According to Berry, the facts that she has acquired proves Mr. Hutchinson is another victim of “our corrupt legal system”.

In addition, an anonymous letter was sent to Berry after she highlighted the relevant factors in this case publicly. This letter confirms that the alleged victim Sayfur Rahman is no more than a two bit con-man, who make up lies and schemes in order to obtain money. This letter also confirms Mr. Hutchinson was set up and falsely accused. This individual feels if he/she disclose their personal information, he/she will become a victim of corrupt cops and the conman Sayfur Rahman.

Mr. Hutchinson states that he is still haunted by the words uttered to him by one of the officers, “At this point, if something was to really happen to you, who do you think they will believe?” Grievously Mr. Hutchinson expressed, with that being said, he had no other choice but to obey and give these officers what they wanted. It has been 18 months, and the police still have not given a clear explanation on how they were linked to Omar Hutchinson. This question is left unanswered; and Berry is demanding answers now!


  1. This type of police misconduct is an example of what can (and often does) go on. It often happens in the U.S. In order to get fair treatment by the criminal injustice system, the citizen needs money. The person(s) with the most money get the “most” justice. The system is rigged to respect the rich. The judges, prosecutors, jailers, police etc. are usually all in on the abuse of the accused unless the accused has money. The judges, prosecutors, police, etc. should be prosecuted like everybody else for these types of official oppression. They should be put in prison and executed like everybody else for their crimes.


    September 19, 2014


    Civil Rights Activist Essie “Rerun” Berry, also the widow of Fred Rerun Berry from the hit TV sitcom, What’s Happening, wants answers and demands them immediately.

    Police killings around the world is not a race thing, it is a real thing. This time around Essie screams out with the release of her new 2014 Anthem: Who are you? “Hear My Voice,” That can be downloaded on CD Baby (

    This Anthem is in support of those who have fallen victim to police brutality, killings and misconduct. Over the past centuries these violent acts have become the highlight of conversations near and far, Essie, believes there is an immediate need for a mass movement. These situations take place very often, but unfortunately there is no statistical data showing the truth behind the stories told. Mrs. Berry says as a unit, we cannot allow such heinous acts to take place and remain reluctant to react.

    It is clearly stated in the 4th Amendment “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no warrants shall be issued without probable cause.” If this is the case why do so many violations exist? The use of lethal force against innocent people has become a new epidemic which is running widespread. Mrs. Berry pleads for everyone to take a stand and let their voices be heard. She exclaims “let’s not forget, the memories of the many men and women who has been executed by those who are appointed to protect and to serve. Although a majority of the victims are African American, she asks you the people, not to make this an issue about race when its simply issues with police misconduct.

    Ms. Berry reminisces on several cases that should have gotten more notoriety, and should have never become extinct. She clearly states, “we need to keep these individual’s tragedies alive or simply fall victim to these violent acts.” She highlights cases such as Amadou Diallo (1991) an unarmed West African Immigrant who was shot at 41 times while standing in the doorway of his Bronx apartment building. Abner Louima (1997) a Haitian immigrant who was arrested outside of a Brooklyn nightclub and when taken to the precinct, he was assaulted, brutalized and forcibly sodomized with a broken-off broom handled by New York City Police Officers. Then, you have the most recent incidents such as Eric Garner who was placed in a choke hold and murdered by NYPD on July 17, 2014 for selling cigarettes. Kelly Thomas a mentally ill white homeless man beaten to death July 5, 2011 by California police. Then, the recent killing of 18 year old Ramarley Graham who was gunned down in his bathroom by NYPD after they followed him to his house and used excessive force to enter his home without a warrant. Michael Brown was an 18 year old who was shot down August 9, 2014 in Ferguson Missouri. August 27, 2014 John Crawford III who was shot dead by Beaver Creek, Ohio police for carrying a BB gun while walking the aisles in Wal-Mart.

    Mrs. Berry, then became frustrated at cases that go unnoticed, such as Dillon Taylor, a 20 year old Mexican boy shot and killed by a Black Salt Lake City Police officer August 11, 2014. Dillon was unable to respond to their commands due to having headphones in his ears. Then, there is the cases of 16 year old Phillip Panell (1990), an African American teenager who was gunned down while fleeing New Jersey Police. 25 year old Ezel Ford who was walking down a block, stopped, questioned and then shot and killed by two LAPD officers. Another disturbing incident out of many others is the case of Victor Steen, he was struck and killed by a police cruiser because he eluded police earlier in the day when they wanted to ask questions. The police in Steen’s case made claims he was accidentally struck by the cruiser as they were trying to taser him through the vehicle’s window.

    Major concerns are, officers involved faced little to no consequences for their actions. Some were granted paid administrative leave. This is due to the lack of voices, lack of unity, and lack of knowledge.

    Mrs. Berry begs and pleads for people worldwide to take a stand and make their voices be heard.

    UPDATE: Mrs. Berry still continues to support and investigate the case of Omar Hutchinson, an innocent man sentence to 23 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. She has been contacted with disturbing news revealed by a Correctional Officer from Downstate Correctional Facility in New York where Mr. Hutchinson is housed. This officer wants to remain anonymous, but it has been reported Mr. Hutchinson was slammed to the prison floor, stepped on and punched in the face by several officers for asking to go to the bathroom. There have also been reports of officers spitting in Mr. Hutchinson’s food. Due to Mrs. Berry requests and demands for answers, an investigation has been opened in regards to the matter. There is still a widespread of brutality in prison as well as police department. Mrs. Berry protests this is happening because we are not letting our voices be heard. She ends with: Who are you if no one knows who you are? Who are you if no one can hear your voice? Who are you if you do not stand for something? Who are you if you do not try and make a change? Who are you if you do not know where you come from? You are no one, because you spent your whole life, not allowing your voice to be heard, not knowing where you come from and not standing for anything. You are unknown because no one knows your name, and your voice remains unheard. HEAR MY VOICE,HEAR MY VOICE.A CHANGE HAS TO COME


    Essie Berry



    September 19, 2014


    Civil Rights Activist Essie “Rerun” Berry, also the widow of Fred Rerun Berry from the hit TV sitcom, What’s Happening, wants answers and demands them immediately.

    Police killings around the world is not a race thing, it is a real thing. This time around Essie screams out with the release of her new 2014 Anthem: Who are you? “Hear My Voice,” That can be downloaded on CD Baby (

    This Anthem is in support of those who have fallen victim to police brutality, killings and misconduct. Over the past centuries these violent acts have become the highlight of conversations near and far, Essie, believes there is an immediate need for a mass movement. These situations take place very often, but unfortunately there is no statistical data showing the truth behind the stories told. Mrs. Berry says as a unit, we cannot allow such heinous acts to take place and remain reluctant to react.

    It is clearly stated in the 4th Amendment “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no warrants shall be issued without probable cause.” If this is the case why do so many violations exist? The use of lethal force against innocent people has become a new epidemic which is running widespread. Mrs. Berry pleads for everyone to take a stand and let their voices be heard. She exclaims “let’s not forget, the memories of the many men and women who has been executed by those who are appointed to protect and to serve. Although a majority of the victims are African American, she asks you the people, not to make this an issue about race when its simply issues with police misconduct.

    Ms. Berry reminisces on several cases that should have gotten more notoriety, and should have never become extinct. She clearly states, “we need to keep these individual’s tragedies alive or simply fall victim to these violent acts.” She highlights cases such as Amadou Diallo (1991) an unarmed West African Immigrant who was shot at 41 times while standing in the doorway of his Bronx apartment building. Abner Louima (1997) a Haitian immigrant who was arrested outside of a Brooklyn nightclub and when taken to the precinct, he was assaulted, brutalized and forcibly sodomized with a broken-off broom handled by New York City Police Officers. Then, you have the most recent incidents such as Eric Garner who was placed in a choke hold and murdered by NYPD on July 17, 2014 for selling cigarettes. Kelly Thomas a mentally ill white homeless man beaten to death July 5, 2011 by California police. Then, the recent killing of 18 year old Ramarley Graham who was gunned down in his bathroom by NYPD after they followed him to his house and used excessive force to enter his home without a warrant. Michael Brown was an 18 year old who was shot down August 9, 2014 in Ferguson Missouri. August 27, 2014 John Crawford III who was shot dead by Beaver Creek, Ohio police for carrying a BB gun while walking the aisles in Wal-Mart.

    Mrs. Berry, then became frustrated at cases that go unnoticed, such as Dillon Taylor, a 20 year old Mexican boy shot and killed by a Black Salt Lake City Police officer August 11, 2014. Dillon was unable to respond to their commands due to having headphones in his ears. Then, there is the cases of 16 year old Phillip Panell (1990), an African American teenager who was gunned down while fleeing New Jersey Police. 25 year old Ezel Ford who was walking down a block, stopped, questioned and then shot and killed by two LAPD officers. Another disturbing incident out of many others is the case of Victor Steen, he was struck and killed by a police cruiser because he eluded police earlier in the day when they wanted to ask questions. The police in Steen’s case made claims he was accidentally struck by the cruiser as they were trying to taser him through the vehicle’s window.

    Major concerns are, officers involved faced little to no consequences for their actions. Some were granted paid administrative leave. This is due to the lack of voices, lack of unity, and lack of knowledge.

    Mrs. Berry begs and pleads for people worldwide to take a stand and make their voices be heard.

    UPDATE: Mrs. Berry still continues to support and investigate the case of Omar Hutchinson, an innocent man sentence to 23 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. She has been contacted with disturbing news revealed by a Correctional Officer from Downstate Correctional Facility in New York where Mr. Hutchinson is housed. This officer wants to remain anonymous, but it has been reported Mr. Hutchinson was slammed to the prison floor, stepped on and punched in the face by several officers for asking to go to the bathroom. There have also been reports of officers spitting in Mr. Hutchinson’s food. Due to Mrs. Berry requests and demands for answers, an investigation has been opened in regards to the matter. There is still a widespread of brutality in prison as well as police department. Mrs. Berry protests this is happening because we are not letting our voices be heard. She ends with: Who are you if no one knows who you are? Who are you if no one can hear your voice? Who are you if you do not stand for something? Who are you if you do not try and make a change? Who are you if you do not know where you come from? You are no one, because you spent your whole life, not allowing your voice to be heard, not knowing where you come from and not standing for anything. You are unknown because no one knows your name, and your voice remains unheard. HEAR MY VOICE,HEAR MY VOICE.A CHANGE HAS TO COME


    Essie Berry


  3. This reads like it were written by an illiterate. You should remove it from the Internet. Find someone who whites professionally and have them fix it. It’s terrible. I sincerely want you to know.

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