By Ruth Ferguson, NDG Editor
According to Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, you should not necessarily believe what you see in the photos circulated on the Internet last week with two alleged strippers.
Reportedly the photos are five years old and he claims, “Someone has misrepresented photos taken at a restaurant five years ago for their own purposes and so I’m just not going to comment,” in comments to ESPN.com.
The usually camera loving Jones was noticeably quiet last week, but he claims it was because he was ill.
Bottom line – I was a long time fan of Jones and despite my disappointment with his dedication to quarterback Tony Romo, Jones has left his imprint on the NFL. It would be a shame if these photos derail recent attempts to try and finally get him a Hall of Fame entry as an NFL executive/owners. All of the key players from the glory days of the 1990s Dallas Cowboys have been enshrined and it is time for Jerry.
Assuming we can erase from our memories those photos.