Saturday, July 6, 2024

Law firms betting big on Greg Abbott with their donation dollars

Abbott-PortraitFulbright & Jaworski and Vinson & Elkins are near the top of the list of law firms that have contributed to Greg Abbott’s campaigns since 2001 through their firms, political action committees and employees. 

They have given at least $300,000 each to Abbott’s political rise as tens of millions of dollars in fees from state contracts approved by his office flowed into their coffers.
An investigation by The Dallas Morning News found that the law firms are among the leading recipients of contracts for legal work on behalf of state agencies, based on the total dollar amounts authorized. As attorney general, Abbott oversees that system, known as “outside counsel.”

Abbott’s office has approved at least $39 million in outside counsel fees for Fulbright & Jaworski and at least $13 million for Vinson & Elkins, according to figures from the attorney general’s office.


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