Friday, September 20, 2024

Disbanded Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity is considering a lawsuit

Attorney Stephen Jones (Photo/@LionelMedia, Twitter)
Attorney Stephen Jones (Photo/@LionelMedia, Twitter)

So a group of kids paint all blacks one way and create their video, exercising their freedom of speech, OK. Then they learn a lesson — words have consequences. Now, they want to cry foul and want us to weep about their safety. If not weep, then at least pay them off in court of law. Oklahoma University’s disbanded Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) chapter has hired attorney Stephen Jones “to assist them in evaluating” legal matters, Jones.

The SAE chapter was closed and kicked off campus this week after a student group published a video depicting some of the frat’s members participating in a racist chant. Two of its members were also expelled for what university president David Boren called their “leadership role in leading a racist and exclusionary chant.”

Although the fraternity seeks “to have some other resolution to this matter,” Jones said, the lawyer said he is “not ruling out a lawsuit.” Jones did not elaborate, but he said he was hired by the SAE board “to protect the due process rights, the first amendment rights, and the 14th Amendment rights” of the fraternity’s members.

“Above all else, the board of the local chapter that I represent is concerned about the physical safety” of its members, Jones said. Some of them, Jones added, “have frankly been afraid to go to class.”


  1. Freedom of speech??? What freedom of speech? Until they legalize threats against the police and the president…until an average “99 percent” type person can tell a flight stewardess or policeman off with no problems…until folk who use profanity are no longer harassed by mainstream officials, no one can claim “freedom of speech” as a national law or even policy…What does exist is a type of “speech with consequences” policy which varies from place to place and person to person and time to time. What SAE did would not have mattered fifty years ago. And by the way “race card shit” is just as valid today as it was fifty years ago. It will not get old until racism gets old and racism gives birth to a new baby every day.


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