People in the News

Saturday, March 1, 2025

People in the News

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Train Up A Child…

Another exqusiive quilt on display at the Bob Bullock’s Museum in Austin, Texas; they are on display through August 31, 2015; the display is a history lesson for all race, creed and colors in the United States.
Another exqusiive quilt on display at the Bob Bullock’s Museum in Austin, Texas; they are on display through August 31, 2015; the display is a history lesson for all race, creed and colors in the United States.

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

It has been said that child-rearing can be frightening to the best-prepared and most eager parent, it doesn’t matter how many children you have.

Parents will likely meet with success when they allow themselves to be guided by God and His Word.

“In times like these . . .” children must feel secure in their environment; they must feel being loved, being respected, and feel being proud of.

At the same time, they clearly must be taught about what is unacceptable behavior to God. Children must be disciplined with love instead of anger or abuse; they must be able to retain their dignity even when they see they have erred.

“In times like these. . .” all parents and family members can help to instill Godly pride and a can-do attitude in children so that they will be able to go though life’s adversities.

We must recognize that life does have adversities, but it is our attitude about our adversities that determines our altitude in life, as the saying goes.

And remember, teach them that it doesn’t matter how scary or explosive the adversities in life are, there was peace before and there will be peace after the adversities.

Parents who love God and are guided by Him through Bible-based scriptures in their parenting skills; and with plenty of prayers; will go a long way in helping children shape their morals, their values, and their views on having a successful life.

I challenge parents to be more accountable, as well as other family members to be more accountable about all children in their life; and to that I will add, to be a positive example for children.

Teach them to fear (dread grieving) the Lord because, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom . . . Praise ye the Lord.

Parents and those that fail to allow God to guide them in their parenting skill with children could be in danger of over control. “For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has rejected you as king.” 1 Samuel 15:23

            It has been said that whenever a car goes out of control and begins to spin, the only thing to do is to relax your grip on the controls and the car will right itself.

However, tis goes against our natural inclination to control and manipulate in order to bring things back under control. It is scary to be out of control.

In the Bible is the story of Saul. He was a man out of control. He was losing control of his kingdom to David. Saul’s fear and insecurity made him more afraid of the people and what they thought than of God.

At the core of Saul’s disobedience was fear of losing control. That fear of losing control led to partial obedience and the loss of his reign as king.

Many parents have such a need to control their children and circumstances because they fail to train their children to fully walk in obedience to God’s voice in our lives. Saul provides a great lesson for us as parents.

The need to over control things around us can prevent us from receiving all that God has for us.

Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord that delighteth greatly in his commandments. Psalms 111:10 and 112:1. (KJV)

It doesn’t matter if it is your child or your children; or someone else’s child or children; ‘Especially in times like these, it is wise and best to, “Train Up A Child. . .”