Monday, July 8, 2024

Texas college costs increased 64% under Rick Perry

Governor Rick Perry
Former Texas Governor Rick Perry

Rick Perry just tried to take credit for improving education for African-Americans and Latinos in Texas, but how could improve when facing an increase of 64%?

According to Politifact, Perry’s claim that Texas’ high school graduation rate jumped from 27th place to 2nd place is “Mostly False.” In reality, Perry supported the Ryan budget, which slashed Pell Grants, making it harder for black and Latino students to afford college. He also signed a bill that deregulated tuition for Texas state universities, allowing tuition to increase by 64 percent, and vetoed funding for community colleges, causing an unnecessary budget crisis for those institutions

Perry’s Claim That Texas’ High School Graduation Rate Went From 27th to 2nd Place Was Found “Mostly False.”Perry said: ‘Texas’ high school graduation rate went from 27th in the country in 2002, to 2nd highest in the country in 2013.’ Texas graduation rates improved while Perry was governor. But this comparison evidently jammed together results reached by different calculations–a statistical no-no leaving the misimpression that Texas galloped past many states on Perry’s watch. It looks to us like Texas actually moved from about 27th nationally in 2002 to tied for 22nd in 2012, according to a measure that compares graduates each year to tallies of students earlier enrolled in lower grades. By a newer gauge tied to tracking individual students, Texas in 2013 tied for third (not No. 2). We rate this claim Mostly False.” [Politifact, 7/20/15]

Perry Supported Paul Ryan’s FY12 Budget By Signing Onto A Letter To “Applaud The Bold” Plan And Announce They Were Ready To Implement The Budget. In April 2011, Rick Perry signed a letter with fellow RGA leaders Gov. Chris Christie, Bob McDonnell, and Haley Barbour praising Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal. [RGA Letter to Rep. Paul Ryan, 4/5/11]

Paul Ryan’s FY 2012 Budget Cut $126 Billion In Education, Training, Employment, And Social Services, Much Of Which Was Likely To Come From Cuts In The Pell Grant Program.   [Center on Policy and Budget Priorities, 4/20/11]

Perry Signed A Bill Allowing Universities To Set Their Own Tuition Rates. “Universities will be able to set their own tuition rates under legislation signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry. The hotly debated bill changes current law that lets the Legislature set tuition rates. The bill was among hundreds of pieces of legislation that the governor’s office said late Friday has been signed into law.” [Associated Press, 6/22/03]

Since 2003, Texas College Tuition Rates Under Rick Under Perry Increased By 64 Percent. “The Democratic group, zeroing in on Perry, said Texas college tuition rates increased 55 percent since 2003. That figure is outdated–the increase through fall 2014 was 64 percent–and it’s also worth clarifying the governor didn’t directly control tuition, though he approved of the 2003 law deregulating rates and appointed ruling public college and university governing boards. We rate the statement Mostly True.” [Politifact, 1/28/15]



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