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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Huggies donating 22 million diapers to National Diaper Bank Network

Help fight diaper need. For every diaper donated through Huggies Rewards from now until April 10, Huggies will match those donations up to 1 million,.
Help fight diaper need. For every diaper donated through Huggies Rewards from now until April 10, Huggies will match those donations up to 1 million,.

PRNewswire — Huggies announced plans to donate 22 million free Huggies diapers to the National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN) in response to President Barack Obama’s call for companies to bring even more attention to diaper need in America.

Kimberly-Clark first brought the issue of diaper need to the forefront in 2010, when the groundbreaking Huggies Every Little Bottomstudy revealed one in three U.S. moms suffer from the inability to provide fresh, clean diapers for their babies.* These parents often have to choose between paying for food or diapers which can lead to increased stress and strife. Following the study, Huggies took action and became the founding sponsor of the NDBN and has since donated more than 160 million diapers to babies in need.

“We want every baby to grow up healthy and feel comfortable, safe and secure,” said Giusy Buonfantino, president of Kimberly-Clark baby and child care North America. “Diaper need is an issue we feel very strongly about and have supported through work with the NDBN, our partners and the donations of millions of diapers over the last six years to ensure Every Little Bottom is clean, dry and healthy. We are pleased to see the issue is receiving national attention from the White House and will continue to do our part as a leader in the effort to combat diaper need.”

Parents can help, too. For every diaper donated through Huggies Rewards from now until April 10, Huggies will match those donations up to 1 million, which could result in a total potential 2016 donation of 24 million diapers to babies in need. Visit to find out how to get started and donate today.

“This year marks the fifth anniversary of the National Diaper Bank Network and we wouldn’t be where we are today without the support from our founding sponsor Huggies,” said Joanne Goldblum, executive director of the National Diaper Bank Network. “We are encouraged by the efforts from the White House to drive awareness of diaper need by asking companies to take a stand and provide access to clean diapers.”

For more information on Huggies Every Little Bottom program visit the “Why Huggies?” page at