In response, states this year enacted dozens of laws intended to give people greater control over who has access to their private activity and information, and where and how it is collected, stored, shared and used.

Many of the laws enacted this year focus on shielding the massive amounts of data that the government and private businesses are collecting — everything from a Medicaid user’s health information to information about a child’s reading level.

  • At least 11 states passed laws aimed at protecting student data.
  • At least four states passed laws restricting employers’ or colleges’ access to social media profiles.
  • At least six states passed laws further restricting how governments and companies store data or changing how they alert customers of breaches.

Many new laws are focused on restricting government’s use of electronic surveillance. Twelve states placed new restrictions on drone users this year, with two of the laws, in Oregon and Vermont, restricting law enforcement or government use.

Read more here to learn how the government is trying to protect us – we hope.Â