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People in the News

Thursday, March 6, 2025

People in the News

Thursday, March 6, 2025

What to Do When You Feel Dishearten?

Tyann Lott
****Picture of the Week**** Tyanna Lott on a mission trip with other church members from Freedom Life Church in Carrollton mentored young people for God’s honor and glory

By Sister Tarpley,  Religion Editor

“And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He (Jesus) went out, and departed unto a solitary place, and there prayed.” Mark 1:35.

With the dreadful state of our country, Black men are being killed by bad policemen and nothing is being done about it.

Two Black men killed eight officers and injured others because of injustices in our society, our economy, the cost-of-living ever increasing, abuses and stress at home and in the work-place.

Sickness and death among us and some individuals can’t find a job.  Sin is the cause of all of this.  Yes, there are plenty of people that can feel dishearten or down-in-the dumps.

However, think about this, what happens when your car is getting close to running out of gas?  You look for a gas station to get the car refueled.  It doesn’t matter the price of the gas.

You may even complain about the high price of the fuel (I have, at times; but, some good advice from my late pastor, Elder Philip White, thank God that you have money to buy the gas); eventually you will get gas or your car will stop running!

When most people are hungry, they eat; when they are thirsty, they drink some liquid (water, soda, juice, etc.); when they are sick they see a doctor; and when they feel pain, they take aspirins or other medications.

As Believers in Christ and what He did at the cross, when we feel that we are spiritually drained, we refuel our spiritual lives by praying to our Heavenly Father.

When Jesus was on earth, He was fully spirit and human.  Everything He did was based upon receiving specific directions or instructions and power from His Father to do them.

At the time He was not operating as God, but as a human with the same limitations that humans have.

Jesus knew one of the key ways to refuel His mind, body and spirit was by spending time in prayer to His Heavenly Father.  Jesus is our example, our role model.

No one had a schedule as demanding as Jesus.  He healed the sick; delivered people from demons.  He traveled from town to town, often walking many miles between towns and cities.

He spent a lot of time with people.  His body and His spirit became fatigued.  It was draining, I am positive, to minister for extended periods of time.

Praying is a critical discipline for every follower of Jesus if we expect to have power and victory in our Christian walk.

Each believer need to find a solitary place to focus upon the Lord, His Word and His input for our lives on a daily basis.

If constant praying is not a part of your daily experience, why not start now (today or early tomorrow morning) with a few minutes of focused time of reading and praying.

You will be encouraged and inspired with the new spiritual focus you will have by making this a priority in your life.

If you find that difficulty to do, ask God to help you have a servant spirit.  First begin by thanking Him for all that He does in your life and all that He has given you.

Then ask Him to help you to become a faithful steward of what He has entrusted you with.  Ask God for grace and strength to walk through your trials and tests victoriously so that you may prove that you are a faithful servant and a godly witness for Him.

Go to the Bible to meet Christ.   Remember, “Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love and the future to God’s providence. –St. Augustine of Hippo.