People in the News

Saturday, March 1, 2025

People in the News

Saturday, March 1, 2025

I Wish You Enough!

This is Tyanna Donnise Lott’s Senior Year at Hebron High School in the Lewisville ISD. My first grandchild will graduate from High School in 2017! Have a blessed and successful school year Tyanna!

By Sister Tarpley, NDG Religion Editor

I received this long ago; it is still inspiration today for someone.  It is something to ponder and perhaps start a tradition in your own family.~ Sister Tarpley

A father and daughter at an Airport were overheard talking.  The daughter’s plane departure was announced.  Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the father said, “I love you.”  “I wish you enough.”

The daughter said, “Daddy, our life together has been more than enough.  Your love is all that I have ever needed.  I wish you enough, too, Daddy.”  They kissed; and she boarded the plane.

The father walked toward the window where I was seated.  Standing there I could see he wanted to, and needed to cry.

I tried not to intrude on his privacy, but he asked me, “Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?”

“Yes, I have, I replied.  That brought back memories that I had of expressing my love and appreciation for what my Dad had done.

Recognizing that his days were limited, I told him face to face how much he meant to me.  So I knew what this man was experiencing.   “Forgive me for asking, but why is this good-bye forever?”  I asked.

“I am old and my daughter lives far away.  I have challenges ahead and the reality is that her next trip back home will probably be for my funeral,” he said.

When you said good-bye I heard you say, “I wish you enough.”  What does that mean?”

The father smiled.  “That’s a wish that has been handed down from other generations.  My parents used to say it to everyone.”  He paused for a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail.

“When we say, “I wish you enough,’ we are wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them,” he continued and then turning toward me he shared the following, reciting it from memory.

“I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.”  “I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.”

“I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear larger.”  “I wish you enough increases to satisfy your wanting.”  “I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.”

“I wish you enough ‘Hello’s:’ to get you through the final “Good-byes.”  He sobbed and walked away.  — Author Unknown.

Trust the Lord when trials come; don’t doubt nor question His Wisdom.  Believe God’s Word; no matter how difficult things may be; press on and trust Him.  Rejoice and give Him praise.

Trust in the Lord with your whole heart.  The times when you begin to doubt; lift your eyes and shout . . . “He’s my God, Who carries me through, no matter what, I’ll trust Him!

No matter what my eyes may see, I’ll walk by faith and trust in Thee!”  It doesn’t matter where He lead, follow Him faithfully.

Through the valleys, over the hills, in darkened times, trust Him still.  In everything . . . Trust in the Lord!