Saturday, June 29, 2024

Does the Mega March have a plan for ACTION?

Today at 2 p.m. the Dallas Mega March 2017  is slated to kickoff in downtown Dallas. The event is led by a diverse coalition of faith leaders, community activists and organizers across N. Texas and will feature national and local advocates and elected officials. But after the march do they have a plan for action?

In the press release announcing the march included a call for real immigration reform and an end to aggressive deportation efforts that have separated families, targeted DACA students and left targeted communities in fear. They pointed out this is not only a concern for Hispanic families but also Muslims who they claim were targeted simply because of their faith. Another key area of concern is what they see as a rise in hate speeches and overt acts of racism since the 2016 election. 

On April 9, 2006, more than 500,000 marched in Dallas in what was the largest civil rights march in Texas history. Organizers are expecting at least 100,000 will attend this march.


After the marching is over, what is next?

Earlier this week in Ed Gray’s debut column for NDG, he encouraged protesters to fight the good fight, but to make sure they have An ACTION Plan for Protest. After the marching is over, the headlines have faded what can citizens do to ensure the change they want to see at local, state or national level.

Gray pointed out, “Tactical methods are what move politicians to propose legislation for the good of the people. Whether it is immigration, governmental funding for Meals on Wheels, supporting the Public Broadcasting System, or just plain respect for reporters — it is our sacred duty to protest.”

As local and national leaders step to the microphone today or in the coming weeks, hopefully, their exhortations will lead to a game plan for ACTION after the marching is done and the signs put away.

The Dallas Mega March 2017 will begin at the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, 2215 Ross Avenue, and will end with a rally at Dallas City Hall, 1500 Marilla Street. The 2017 Dallas Mega March is centered on the themes of family, unity and empowerment. Participants are asked to carry American flags and wear red, white and blue in solidarity.

The Dallas Mega March 2017 is an inclusive event and open to members of all faiths and backgrounds who wish to participate.


  1. I was there. The crowd was huge. There were some tremendous speakers including (the right Reverend) Freddie Haynes, Martin Luther King III, civil rights icon Peter Johnson, Congressman Mark Veasey, Congresswoman Victoria Neave, one of the San Antonio Castro brothers and many others.

    However, there was no visible effort to hook the crowd up with an immediate “next step”. Some folk were passing out voter registration forms. Many speakers pushed the crowd to vote and participate. But – I was not impressed with the current Mega March plan of action – if there is one. Maybe NDG should interview one of the organizers about the plan of action (or lack thereof).


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