People in the News

People in the News

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Sister Tarpley: The Time is Now!

(Left to Right): Sister Tarpley, Tyanna, Bill and David Lott with Tyanna accepting a scholarship check to Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas from the State Tax Group, from Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Trustee Richard Fleming Founder/CEO.

By Sister Tarpley, NDG Religion Editor

Prior to 9-11-2001 there were people happily going back and forth to work drawing their top salaries; they felt safe and secure.

Then the enemy infiltrated by flying into the twin towers in New York. But after that it was a time when unity prevailed; people came together from all walks of life, it didn’t matter their race, creed, color, or their nationality. There was an urgency of the hour; they came together in unity. I believe that’s what the church is about, being a unified body.

And, then about August 13, 1993 in North American all of the power failed; people were trying to find places of security and rest. Other people were helping them along the streets and highway, bring them into their homes and places and even though they didn’t have lights they were giving them a place of security. It’s something about a national tragedy or when trouble is looming on the horizon that we don’t look at the color of a person’s skin or their status in life. But we look at the situation as a need and we can do something about it, we help them. Again, unity prevails and we work together until all is resolved.

How many households are destroyed because visions are not the same, when unity doesn’t prevail? Many times we don’t see things the same. We are individuals, each of us has our own personalities, our own attitudes and decisions. But there comes a time to communication, to share, to talk, to feel things out so that we will know what the other person is thinking and they, in turn, will know what we are thinking. And, somehow as believers, as humans, as people who are concerned about the life and welfare of others we can come together and work things out, we resolve our differences and God is blessed in that.

Prior to the 35th verse in St. John, Jesus had ministered to a woman who had been living a sinful life; whoever she could “company with or share with” that’s who she would call her husband. But, then she met Jesus! That says to me that when a person meets Jesus and cry out that, “I am saved, sanctified and full of the Holy Ghost,” that there should be an air of unity between God’s people.

There should be a direction when we are all going the same way; because we know that our ultimate goal is to one day be in the Heavenly Kingdom. I don’t believe that any of us want to think that there is a “gray area” and none of us want to go to the alternative to Heaven.

God is a unified God, isn’t He? He is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost; none reacts or move without the other’s knowledge. God is saying to us, “. . . look on the fields; they are already white to harvest . . .” But we need laborers. We, the body of Christ believers, trust that we must work together to accomplish a certain goal or to reach the area that God would have us to reach.

Jeremiah and the people that worked with him built a wall because there was trouble ensuring all around them. The children were being carted into slavery and their women were being preyed on by the enemy who had free access in and out to them because the wall had broken down. God spoke to Nehemiah and told him to get up from being the King’s cup bearer; I want you to go and refurbish the wall. Nehemiah didn’t know how long his journey would be, and he didn’t question God, he was willing to go because of the necessity of the work.

Now is the time!