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People in the News

Thursday, March 13, 2025

People in the News

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sister Tarpley: Wrong Kind of Leadership

Sister Tarpley found a good place to eat fried catfish, newly opened Savannah’s Chicken and Fish Restaurant, across from Turner High School at Josey Lane and Fyke Road in Carrollton. Co-Owners, Norris Neal, Jr. and Carole Jones. (Sis. Tarpley / NDG)

By: Sis. Shirley Tarpley, NDG Religion Editor

“When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi”  Matthews 2:16-17).

Any leader who is not secure in God will be insecure in their leadership actions. King Herod was such a leader.  He feared the loss of power and had to control every aspect of the people he was ruling. When Herod heard about Jesus’ coming birth, his insecurity became out of control and led him to make life-threatening decisions for those in Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

Such a leader has deep-seated control issues rooted in the fear of loss of power, money and prestige.  This also led to lying to protect his kingdom. When the wise men told Herod about the coming Messiah, Herod told them he wanted to know when He was born in order to worship him.  He had no such plans. He wanted to kill Jesus.

Herod told the wise men to report back to him when the child was born.  The wise men were divinely warned not to return to Jerusalem and report back to Herod.  When Herod discovered this, he became furious and issued the edict to kill every child under two years old in Bethlehem and the surrounding districts.

Whenever a leader has deep-seated control issues rooted in fear, their actions surface repeatedly when placed under stress.  Arguments, manipulation of others, and confrontation with subordinates usually follow. However, a leader who has yielded his life and his work to God can relinquish outcomes to the Lord and let God change things that may go astray.  A secure leader realizes God is the source of His power and leadership and he does not need to fear others who may demonstrate leadership qualities. Instead, they are able to affirm them for the sake of the organization.

Pray that God makes leaders for the United States of America who is secure in their position that wants to serve in a position when our Midterm elections are over with November 7th.

Then thank God for caring so much about His creation that He sent His Holy Spirit to touch believers and live within them, sealing all believers unto the day of redemption. Thank God today that there is an Intercessor and Savior, praying for Christians and standing in their stead when they do not have the words to say.  Sometimes, there is just so much to pray for, so many needs or so much heartache that most Christians just do not know how to pray.

Please pray about our Midterm Elections, God knows our hearts and He knows our needs; offer words of praise and thanksgiving and trust Him to always be there, in the name of Jesus.