Saturday, June 29, 2024

Lancaster ISD’s youngest school board member strives to be role model for upcoming scholars

Lancaster ISD’s Kevin Davis, Jr. is reading with student and author Jamarion Rainey (Courtesy photo)

Kevin Davis, Jr. walked through the hallways at Lancaster ISD Rosa Parks Millbrook Elementary and reminisced about the days he attended elementary school. While visiting Rosa Parks Millbrook, he sat in the library having a conversation with elementary student and author Jamarion Rainey.  The two discussed Rainey’s recently published book which NDG spotlighted earlier this month. At the age of 23, Davis is the newest and youngest Lancaster ISD School Board member. He strives to inspire young leaders like Rainey, while serving on the board.

“I want to give back to the district that gave so much to me,” Davis said. “I want to do everything I can to encourage future generations to stand up, be proud and go after their dreams.”

Davis says he still remembers the lessons his teachers at both Rosa Parks Millbrook Elementary and Houston Elementary taught him at a very young age. He says those lessons help him to be a better leader for Lancaster ISD.

“I learned that it is ok to ask questions,” Davis said. “Being the young one on the board, I ask questions to help me better serve the district as a board member.”

During his time as a student in Lancaster ISD, Davis says he was surrounded by great teachers and mentors.

“I still recall today the many times when someone at the school poured into me and cared for me even when I didn’t think I could accomplish my dreams,” Davis said. “Now I just want to do the same for our future leaders in the district.”

For Davis it has been quite a journey getting from where he was at Houston Elementary to where he is now sitting at the desk with other board members. He has made appearances on FOX, WFAA and even ESPN as part of the “Carter 30 for 30” documentary. He continues to follow his dreams of being an actor, producer and choreographer as he encourages the younger generation of Tigers to do the same.

“My teachers in Lancaster taught me to wear my stripes proudly,” Davis said. “I will do everything I can do to ensure our future scholars have what they need to leave a lasting legacy.”

Davis says he is proud to be among an amazing team of leaders here in the district. He says his hope is he can bring a breath of fresh air to the board every time he represents the district.

“I enjoy seeing and hearing about all the great things our future leaders and staff are doing,” Davis said. “I am so proud to be part of such an outstanding district.”

As a young board member, Davis says he feels he can relate to the young leaders who are right where he was just a short time ago.

“I always tell the young leaders to follow their dreams and do not stop when life gets hard,” Davis said. “I tell them to never accept the answer NO and to wear their Tiger Stripes proudly.”


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