Sister Tarpley, NDG Religion Editor
You shall call, and I will answer you; you shall desire the work of your hands. Job 14:15
Did you know that God has already pre-wired you for the work He created you to do? We all have things inside of us that excite us when we think about it. God is the source of this passion. However, our career path may require many stepping stones before we reach the work that we were ultimately created for.
The psalmist says, “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16.
When the Ark of the Covenant was to be designed to contain the sacred Ten Commandments, God prepared a man to perform the important work.
“Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts — to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of craftsmanship,'” Exodus 31:1-6.
We do not know much about Bezalel, but you can be sure he had many jobs leading up to this most important assignment. He was also the first man mentioned in all of scripture to be “filled with the spirit of God.”
When your work is empowered by the Spirit of God you will be hand-picked for some of the most important assignments. He says the skilled worker will even serve before kings. Proverbs 22:9.
God will see to it that your skills will be used for His ultimate purposes. This is the call of God for each of us — to be fulfilled in our work and to use our work to fulfill His purposes on the earth.
God has made some mighty and awesome creations. As I hear the wind blow, I am reminded of God’s power. Like the wind gently ushers refreshing breezes, God refreshes my spirit.
Like stormy winds blow hard, clearing the air and drying the puddles after the rain, so rushes in God’s comfort, drying my tears and clearing my mind. Like the strong winds of a hurricane command my attention, so God’s Spirit convicts my heart when I am thinking or doing the wrong thing.
Like a brisk wind invigorates my senses, so does God’s Holy Spirit revives and inspires my soul. Thank God for all He has given, all that He does, and for His great love for us. God is truly awesome and I look up to Him. God is our Heavenly Father and Creator, from whence cometh our help. In the precious name of Jesus, we must offer our praise to God.