People in the News

Saturday, March 1, 2025

People in the News

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Ladies are you ready to play some semi-pro football in DFW?

Maurisa Goldston is the owner of the DFW Fierce Beauties Football League (Courtesy photo)

Maurisa Goldston, the owner of the Dallas/Fort Worth Fierce Beauties Football League (FBFL), is hosting their first combine on Sunday, Aug. 4 from 3:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. at Dunbar High School in Fort Worth.

“Girls thrive when they receive messages of aspiration rather than a limitation when they have access to positive role models, and when they receive the resources necessary to overcome challenges,” Goldston explained this is what the team’s motto means. “Go Girls” speaks to aspiration, not limitations. “We are excited to bring the league to the Dallas/Fort Worth area for this combine.”

The goal of the league is to provide equity for young women, on and off the gridiron.

The combine will feature players from both the Legends Football League and the National Football League.  The guest players include Michelle Angel, Brittney Dowdy, Courtney Dowdy, Draylen Ross, Christy Morales, and Quincy Butler.  At the event, the girls will have an opportunity to show off their athleticism while learning techniques of the game.

The FBFL was formed in 2018 by an independent leader who saw a need for recreational sports and comprehensive programs for girls in the community.  Their goal was to form a competitive girls football league to teach young female athletes’ strength, endurance, and discipline.

Admission to the combine is free and is designed for girls ages 5 – 15. To register for this female football combine,  text FBFL at 469-563-0659.  For additional information on the league, visit 

DFW Fierce Beauties Football League wants everyone to know the ladies can do more than cook hot wings and wave poms poms on game day. (Courtesy image)