Friday, June 28, 2024

5 Ways to get more business leads and clients on Linkedin

By: Shawn Hill, NDG Guest Contributor 

Linkedin is the hot new social media platform. Yes, that Linkedin. The same one that you put up a page on years ago and never went back. Now it is the cool place for businesses to hang.

It is not surprising when you look at the numbers:

  1. More business to business leads come from Linkedin than Facebook and Twitter combined.
  2. 61 million Linkedin users are business executives, and 40 million are in decision making positions.
  3. Linkedin could be the difference between a closed door and a closed deal.

Having said all that, most people that come over to Linkedin will not generate leads or clients. The lack a plan of attack, that will not be you. After you finish reading the following tips, you will now be able to meet your business goals on Linkedin.

Step up your LinkedIn game to gain business success

Step 1. Be there. All right, I know it is obvious. But many people will read this article, look at all the data and still not join or update their profile on Linkedin. 

You can’t win if you don’t play. Just by making the decision and putting in the effort, you will be miles ahead of your competition.

Step 2. Optimize your profile. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Your profile is your business on Linkedin. It is your face. Make sure you are featuring your best face. 

Now there are several things you can do to optimize your profile.

  • Make sure you have a nice headshot. 
  • Make sure you have a compelling headline to grab your client’s attention. 
  • Make sure you have an ideal client in mind so your profile can speak directly to them.

Step 3. Identify your ideal client. One of the biggest mistakes people make on Linkedin is they try to market to everyone. However, if you market to everyone, ultimately, you market to no one.

Your profile can be optimized to speak to the needs or concerns of your ideal client. Your Connection request will stand a much better chance of getting approved if your profile speaks to a specific group.

Step 4. Engage. Just because you put up a profile does not mean leads, and clients will start flooding your inbox. It just does not work that way. I recommend sending between 10-30 highly targeted Connection requests a day.

Step 5. Bring value. Share original content. Curate articles and share them with the community and your connections. Sharing useful information will separate you from most people on Linkedin who merely come and consume.

I have just given you five ways to get leads and clients on Linkedin. Now, implementation is up to you.  

When you see me over there, send an invite.

Shawn Hill is The Linkedin Coach. He helps businesses generate leads and clients on Linkedin. After over 25 years in corporate America, he now turns his knowledge to help small businesses have success on Linkedin. For a limited time, he is offering a free profile analysis. Contact Hill at, connect with him on Linkedin, or visit



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