Friday, June 28, 2024

9-Figure Investment CEO Launches ‘MBA: Minority Business Access’ Podcast

As a corporate executive, Solomon Ali has served as CEO of the private equity company, now he is launching a new podcast. (Courtesy Photo)

Get ready to earn your “M.B.A.” with Solomon Ali. His new podcast, MBA: Minority Business Access walks minority business owners and entrepreneurs through his tested, effective methods of circumventing what he calls “a slanted financial system towards people of color and other minorities,” to successfully raise funding and scale their businesses.

As a corporate executive, Solomon Ali has served as CEO of the private equity company, Rainco Industries. Ali has generated $100 million in assets for his various companies and arranged more than $250 million in structured investment capital and financing. Companies established through Solomon’s efforts and expertise across tech and energy sectors have earned more than $118 million in gross sales revenue during this past fiscal year. Ali has held seats on the board of three African-American owned publicly traded companies as well as simultaneously holding officer positions at these companies.

“That is monumental when you consider that out of approximately 8,000 publicly traded companies in the United States, less than twenty of those companies are African-American owned,” asserts Mr. Ali.

According to Solomon Ali, “There has traditionally been a large gap in business funding and business scalability for minority business owners.” He cites African-Americans and other minority groups as having less access to financial information and less access to the right funding that will enable them to scale their businesses and eventually sell or go public, should they choose to. His new podcast focuses on the solutions to change this dynamic.

The MBA: Minority Business Access podcast features interviews with successful entrepreneurs of color and with female entrepreneurs and the proactive steps they’ve taken to successfully fund and scale their businesses. The podcast also includes valuable roundtable conversations and insights from Mr. Ali and his corporate team, detailing how he managed to grow his thriving eight-figure financial portfolio of businesses, and how his expertise and advice applies to entrepreneurs and small business owners.

The MBA Podcast is available for download across all podcast streaming services.


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