People in the News

People in the News

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Avoid the Escape Mentality

By Sister Tarpley
NDG Religion Editor

“Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle”
(Psalm 144:1).

One of the best-selling American books of all time is a fiction series that focuses on the end times called Left Behind. It deals with the rapture of Christians from the earth before the final end-times crisis takes place and the anti-Christ rules.

If we are not careful we will fall into a mindset that we are simply buying time until Jesus calls us home.


Sgt. Marrio Crossland with students from his gun safety class.

No matter what the end-times scripture teaches, it is clear that believers should model a behavior that is more like a soldier in battle desiring to take the land, than a person awaiting an airlift.

When God placed man on earth, He desired man to rule the earth. “God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.

Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground” (Genesis 1:28).

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The intent was not dictatorship, but to express the love and care of God throughout all of creation in order to know and experience the creator in all things.

It is said that today, we often have a cruise ship mentality in the Church of Jesus Christ instead of a battleship mentality designed to engage the enemy of our souls.

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Our army is often ill-equipped to know how to take the land that God has provided through His Son.

This is why believers in the workplace must see their work and calling as an assignment from God to demonstrate His power in all of society in order to restore His rule upon the earth.

That is the key reason Jesus died on the cross – to restore that which was lost (Luke 19:10). Are you engaged in the battle?

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Now is the time to talk to God, this is the day that you should look up and remember who created all and who owns the cattle upon the hills, the water that springs from the earth, the skies that span our view and everything good.

It is God who can provide for and bless the earth and the inhabitants thereof. Pray for the many people who are in difficult circumstances right now and need a touch to help them with their basic needs.

Pray for those who need financial income to pay their living expenses, those who need jobs to bring in that income which need good health to be able to do those jobs; and for those whose jobs do not provide sufficient income for their needs.

Pray also for those who have the income, but do not know how to properly manage it for the best outcome. And pray for those who have much and can give much.

Ask God to connect the right people with jobs, and the right people with the right people, to do what needs to be done.

Pray that God will meet every need; that He will bless the lives of those who follow His guidance and those who are thankful for what He provide.

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