Thursday, July 18, 2024

WiNGS walks alongside women as they build resiliency and imagine possibilities

WiNGS – a 113-year-old organization that empowers women, fights poverty and impacts generations – has released its 2020-2021 Impact Report. Even amid the disproportionate and unprecedented challenges that women faced over the past year, the report highlights the resilience and fortitude demonstrated by WiNGS clients to not only weather the storm but achieve and create new goals.

Other key details include a breakdown of clients served, the accomplishments of the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) and Economic Advancement programs, and spotlights on the donors, partners and staff who made it possible.

WiNGS supported and empowered 1,840 clients over the past year, 92% of which were people of color and 79% with an annual income of less than $38,000. Shifting to a fully virtual program delivery at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, WiNGS staff, nurses, coaches and volunteers worked to offer uninterrupted services tailored to each client’s needs and goals.

“The Women of WiNGS are tough and focused on a better future for themselves and their families,” said Kate Rose Marquez, CEO of WiNGS. “It is inspiring to walk alongside these women who embrace change – whether becoming a mother, embarking on a new career, or taking control of their financial future. I am grateful to be a part of the journey and proud of the WiNGS team for continuing to provide critical services in difficult circumstances.”


(Jeffery Erhunse / Unsplash)

Through its NFP program WiNGS served 402 moms and 312 babies in the past year. Each mom and baby benefitted from an average of 60 appointments over two and a half years with registered NFP nurses who provide health, nutrition, social and emotional wellness support, resources and opportunities.

• Of the newly enrolled moms, 77% received prenatal care, and 91% of babies were born at a healthy birth weight.

• Among mothers who gave birth last year, 94.4% initiated breastfeeding and 51.6% continued to breastfeed at six months.

WiNGS hosted 605 clients in finance, career and business classes throughout the past year. More than half of those clients also received one-on-one financial coaching to tailor actionable plans to their individual goals.

As a result of the Economic Advancement program, 36 women launched or grew their business, and 70 jobs were created. In the past fiscal year, WiNGS clients with goals in savings, credit or debt showed the following outcomes:

• 55% with a savings goal increased their savings by an average of $1,404

• 64% with a credit goal increased their score by an average of 46 points

• 46% with a debt goal increased their debt by an average of $10,079

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In addition, WiNGS was recognized as a finalist by D CEO’s 2021 Nonprofit and Corporate Citizenship Awards in the Capital One Impact Initiative category for their efforts addressing the community’s pressing needs to increase financial well-being. WiNGS could not have received this honor without the support of the board and generous donors and partners.

No matter the challenges ahead, WiNGS is well equipped to provide relevant support and chart actionable paths for women in Dallas to reach their goals. Regardless of the circumstances that bring a woman to WiNGS, she leaves with confidence in a brighter future for herself and her family. For more information and to find ways to help, please visit


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