Thursday, June 27, 2024

Biden brokers deal for fair and peaceful Nigeria election

By Stacy M. Brown
NNPA Senior National

Nigerians held their presidential and parliamentary elections on Saturday, February 25. After eight years with a flailing economy under former President Muhammadu Buhari, the nation may be the most vulnerable it has been since it became a democracy in 1999, said KERA. Observers report violence, intimidation, and disenfranchisement, and in some areas, the voting has been delayed for days. Many see the delays as a general failing of the Electoral Commission, as the main opposition parties call for a rerun, they report.

President Joe Biden had declared that America wanted a peaceful and fair election in the western African nation. He helped broker a peace deal that political parties and candidates in Nigeria’s presidential election signed last week.

By signing the accord, the parties and candidates committed to accepting the election results that the independent National Electoral Commission will announce. They’ve also agreed to a peaceful transfer of power.

“Elections are a fundamental part of a functioning democracy, and all Nigerians deserve this chance to choose their future freely and fairly,” Biden stated.

Biden recently helped to broker a peace deal that political parties and candidates in Nigeria’s presidential election. (Photo via NNPA)

“While the United States does not support any single candidate or party, we strongly support a peaceful and transparent process that reflects the will of the people of Nigeria.”

Biden also encouraged Nigerians to use their freedom of speech to make their voices heard, including young people who may be going to the ballot box for the first time.

Eighteen candidates were vying to succeed President Muhammadu Buhari, including former Vice President Atiku Abubakar (Peoples Democratic Party), 76, the main opposition candidate; Peter Obi (Labour Party), 61, whom media reports suggest is popular among young voters; and Bola Tinubu, 70, the ruling party (All Progressives Congress) candidate.

As votes continue to be counted, KERA reports Progressive Bola Ahmed Tinubu is leading with 39% of the vote, followed by Atiku Abubakar of the People’s Democratic Party and Peter Obi of the Labour Party, respectively.

More than 93 million people have registered to vote in the contest, and about 176,600 polling stations have been set up across the country. Some of these stations are in places where people have been moved because of fighting between Islamists and federal troops.

“The United States stands with the Nigerian people as they chart a path toward a more democratic, prosperous, and secure future,” Biden asserted.

“I appreciate President Buhari’s firm commitment that the will of the people will be respected. And in the coming days, I encourage voters to remain peaceful and patient as their ballots are tallied and urge the political parties and candidates to live up to their pledge.”


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