People in the News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

People in the News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Dallas African American Musuem to feature great-great-granddaughter of Booker T. Washington

Dr. Erica Washington McDonald, the great great granddaughter of the Booker T. Washington, will read to the African American Museum’s Summer Camp, excerpts from the books “With Books and Bricks “ and her own book “Growing Booker” on Friday June 16th from 2-3pm.

Both books are from the 1901 autobiography “UP from Slavery” written by Mr. Washington, a former slave who later became Tuskegee President and the icon for education Black Americans.

The event is part of the Museum Juneteenth Celebration June 16-19th, 2023.
The program for children will Include music, theatre, and dance with performances by Sandra Crenshaw, a Civil War Historian, reading the Juneteenth Story written by Alliah L. Agostini and Fifth Court of Appeals Justice Cory L. Carlyle portraying a Judge on conflict resolution.

(At Left) Booker T. Washington (at right) Dr. Erica Washington McDonald (Courtesy photos)

Dr. Erica McDonald is an educator from Atlanta, Georgia.

For Washington, “a brick is an emblem of the fruit of hard labor and perseverance and the joy that one can find in it.”

For more information on the Juneteenth Celebration call 214-565-9026 or 214-498-5298.