People in the News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

People in the News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Freedom Riders 2.0: Diversity Equity and Inclusion and ‘Stay Woke,’ Why should we care ?

By Arthur C. Fleming

Why should we care?

What is diversity? Diversity is the inclusion of individuals representing more than one national origin, color, religion, socioeconomic stratum, sexual orientation, etc.

What is equity? In the context of diversity, equity means systematic fairness, impartiality and objectivity in public work spaces, facilitating inclusivity.

What is inclusion? In the context of diversity, it means the addition of diversity and equity into public work spaces.


Arthur Fleming (Courtesy photo)

The opposite of “woke” is sleep. In my research, I found that in the nineteen twenties and thirties, “stay woke“ was the African American watch phrase defining the African American community consciousness of that time–“stay woke” politically and culturally.

Today, in this moment of African American community consciousness, those words have again appeared in our collective intelligentsia and consciousness. “Stay woke,“ in this current moment of American political realignment, has been weaponized.

The national Republican Party has weaponized the word “woke“ to mean Black LGBTQ, Black welfare, Black history, Black voter rights, Black Critical Race Theory (CRT), Black etc. The Republican party is attempting to define the entire African American diaspora experience as woke ideology.

On “Roland Martin Unfiltered,” June 2, 2023 show, Roland Martin stated that 75 percent of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) jobs are held by white women. What started as Affirmative Action for African Americans became Affirmative Action for white women. Other Civil Rights era programs for African Americans like Affirmative Action, and DEI, has come to mean diversity for mostly white women. Our Civil Rights community never addressed the “white women as minority“ issue frontally.

For context, in the nineteen thirties, fascist-led government was on the rise in Europe, which led to World War II and millions of deaths in Europe and Africa. The cause and effect of World War II was a global realignment of world power. Today, America is the free world leader.

The African American growing political power and voting power in the context of racial demographic shift has created political fear in the white communities. This political white fear is enhanced and orchestrated by the same dark (light) money forces that have corrupted the current Supreme Court.

The Republican Party has politically implemented its “fascist, anti-woke” ideologies at the intersection of gun violence in schools, vigilantism, police violence, book banning, voter suppression, financial starvation of urban public schools, anti-DEI initiatives, bigotry, sexist systematic racism, environmental racism, and fascism.

The “Republican Taliban” party would be a more appropriate title for the Republican Party, as pertaining to a woman’s right to choose.

Under “voter suppression,“ who and what was behind the loss of African American voter protection in the Shelby v. Holder Supreme Court case? The Supreme Court, led by Clarence Thomas, destroyed the voting rights pre-clearance provisions, and the Supreme Court is threatening to come for the remainder of the Voting Rights Act.

Update–on June 8, 2023, the Supreme Court (Clarence Thomas voting in a dissenting 5-4 decision) ordered Alabama to redraw their voting lines to reflect the 27 percent African American population in the state. This is great news for Section two of the Voting Rights Act for now.

Who are some of the influencers that created and implemented the capture of the U.S. Supreme Court? Leonard Leo is the key influencer and admitted architect of the plan. Leo, a Republican federalist society influencer, twenty years ago designed a plan to capture the Supreme Court.

Leonard Leo worked with Republican influencers like Harlan Crowe, a Dallas real estate billionaire, now famous for a “Nazi hall of evil in his back yard.”

ProPublica released a report detailing Clarence and Ginni Thomas’s luxury travel that was paid for by Mr. Harlan Crowe. ProPublica also published that Harlan Crowe subsidized Clarence Thomas, the ex-Malcolm X disciple and his wife Ginni Thomas’s lifestyle. Harlan Crowe paid private school costs for the judge’s adopted nephew and bought Clarence Thomas’ mother’s house, where she still lives today. And no, I don’t want him to kick her out; however, through dark money politics, Clarence Thomas was able to disable over 50 years of African American voter protection.

How did the ”Extreme Supreme Capitalist Influencers” enter the African American communities’ economic and social infrastructure without making a political sound?

The dark (light) money influencers come from the top one percent income earners or multi-millionaires, billionaires and foreign money.

The now disgraced “Supreme Capitalist Court,” who declared that corporations are people, and money is speech, is a case study on how “dark (light) money“ shifted political power through corporate money speech from the American people to the Supreme Capitalist elite, which in turn attacked African American voter protections.

The “Dark (Light) Money Influencers’ Court Capture Program” goes like this: Leonard Leo Federalist society operator and scheme architect created hundreds of mailbox 501(c) organizations represented as community organizations.

Supreme capitalist billionaires donate millions of dollars to these Republican Party affiliated mailbox 501(c)s.

Each organization has a purpose or project, like African American voters’ rights protections capture. These 501(c) organizations create legal briefs around (example voter rights) laws targeted for change.

The legal brief is then presented to the Supreme Court as friends of the court briefs, using the Mailbox 501(c)s as legitimate community organizations, along with shadow docket tricks to get their targeted issue before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Supreme Court judges cannot legally receive gifts if the giver has business before the court, but Supreme Court financial documents show otherwise. The now disgraced Supreme Capitalist Court has resisted ethical guidelines suggested by Congress, while continuing to chip away at African American voter rights and voter protections already paid for with the blood of our African American ancestors.

If this extreme Republican Taliban like party is willing to dismiss African American issues of concern like DEI and voter protections as “woke ideology,” the African American communities should frame the Republican Party attacks on African American education, history, and constitutional rights to vote etc., as “fascist ideology.“

Why should the African American community care about DEI being attacked by “fascist dark (light) money influencers?“ Because the 2023 Texas legislative anti-DEI action was an attack on the African American communities’ potential, as true representatives of American freedom. Dear White America: You have no more rights and freedoms than the average Black voter. You have privileges that can be taken at any political moment.

What happened during 2023 Texas Legislative Session concerning anti-DEI legislation is further proof that twenty first century politically influenced fascism is the same fascism faced by Martin L. King and Malcolm X in the twentieth century. Let’s fight for our children’s present and future. Freedom Riders, “stay woke” and let’s ride!

In order to defeat a thing.

You must call a thing a thing.

History says this thing is “fascism.“

Arthur Fleming can be found on Facebook at Dallas Civill Rights Issues group and reached at