People in the News

People in the News

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Kellee Murrell

Kellee Murrell – The George T. Lee, Jr. Principal of St. Philip’s School & Community Center – will present at The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) Pre-K-8 Conference on Monday, July 10, 2023, in National Harbor, Maryland.

Principal Kellee Murrell

Murrell will speak during a 60-minute breakout session titled “Delegate to Elevate: Developing an Impactful Leadership Team” at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center at 9 a.m. ET. The professional learning session will guide leaders in nurturing an environment of shared responsibility in their schools.

As Principal of St. Philip’s School and Community Center, Murrell has emerged as a subject matter expert on developing instructional leaders.


Kellee Murrell (Courtesy photo)

“Education is a challenging field with a high level of burnout,” said Principal Murrell. “As academic leaders, we must learn to prioritize and delegate within our teams, not only to strengthen and raise the effectiveness of our educators, but also potentially mitigate the loss of talented professionals.”

The daughter of two teachers, this Bronx native grew up with a strong connection to education and a passion for teaching children. With a 12-year career background working in school administration for both public and private schools, Murrell will draw upon her experiences and the lessons learned. “Without implementing changes, we risk losing the next generation of teachers and ultimately shortchanging the students that depend on us.”

This yearly conference by NAESP specializes in providing professional learning experiences, networking opportunities, and insight into industry trends for elementary and middle-level principals. For more information on Principal Murrell or a hi-res image, please contact: Kaitlyn Holmes 469.340.3709

Principal Murrell’s life’s work – and God-given passion – is educa on. Teaching history at the primary educa on level was where her journey began. Her gi for inspiring and engaging young minds was recognized quite early, as Mrs. Murrell was one of only ve educators awarded the annual STARS Teacher of the Year from the Richardson Independent School District Board of Trustees. Posts as both assistant principal and principal quickly followed and would lead to her current role as principal at St. Philip’s.

“I am most known for crea ng innova ve instruc onal programs that exceed expecta ons for student academic gains and reaching all students at varying academic levels,” o ers Principal Murrell. “It is a passion of mine to grow and develop instruc onal leaders.”

As one of the chief architects of community-centric ini a ves like the SOAR Program and the STAAR Assessment, Principal Murrell is widely regarded as one of North Texas’ most visionary thought leaders in primary educa on. Moreover, it is her innate ability to imbue in her sta the skills that inspire and engage. Principal Murrell’s leadership is the elemental component of the ‘St. Philip’s Way.’

Delegate to Elevate: Developing an Impac ul Leadership Team is the educa on management protocol designed by Principal Murrell that helps teachers unlock the untapped reservoir of poten al so many have. The primary educa on community has fervently embraced Delegate to Elevate, resul ng in a seemingly con nual stream of inquiries, requests for speaking engagements, podcast appearances and expert quotes.

St. Philip’s parent Anne Brandyberry characterized Principal Murrell in this way: “It’s really hard to nd genuine people nowadays, but Ms. Murrell is just that. She’s truly genuine. She cares deeply for the student of St. Philip’s, but it doesn’t stop there. She cares deeply about the families of St. Philips.”