Saturday, July 6, 2024

Curtis Report: The cool spy (not really)


By Barry Curtis

Let’s go on the record first and loudly by saying that Edward Snowden is a traitor. Edward Snowden is the former NSA contract employee that released to the British newspaper The Guardian classified documents. These classified documents are thought to number in the hundreds at least.

Mr. Snowden the traitor had left the country well before the release of the documents making his way to Hong Kong where he is still thought to be in hiding. Mr. Snowden wants to position himself as a hero of sorts or a whistle blower as a result of the release of these documents. He has stated that he felt that this huge spy apparatus he worked for (the NSA) was engaging in activity that was inappropriate in the least and illegal in the worst case scenario. Oh Really?

Mr. Snowden you are no hero or whistle blower. I am the first to admit that I have no love for the power grab by the NSA in an effort to gain access to our phone records. It is thought that the NSA has access to over 200 million Americans phone records, e mails and text messages. This intrusive, barbaric, tyrannical move is a threat to all our freedoms and must be dealt with. But that is the question: how do we deal with this?

This is how the traitor should have dealt with the issue. If he felt he was engaged in any activity that was illegal or at the least caused his person any moral hardships he could have quit. Second if he felt that the activity endangered our freedoms or actually violated the law, there are whistle blower statues that are set up across the federal employment landscape. These whistle blower statues are available on line thru the department of justice; there are toll free numbers to call and anonymous e mails to use to rat out a government abuse. These whistle blower statues are hanging in the break rooms of federal offices from coast to coast from the post office to the white house, but he couldn’t go that route?

Mr. Snowden is a self-centered egotistical brat that created his own rules as he went along. Thinking only of his own selfish interest and not the nation’s as a whole. That is not the mark of a hero. Mr. Snowden is a high school drop out that once bragged about having several possible employers fight over him. According to the FBI he boasted to other colleagues of his admiration for Bradley manning, he is the pentagon employee that gave thousands of documents to Wikileaks. In addition he spoke openly of his affection for the actions of Daniel Ellsberg of the Pentagon Papers scandals of the early 1970s.

This treacherous affair doesn’t have the makings of a conscientious soul that was racked by his overwhelming sense of duty and obligation to the principles of freedom. No instead I smell a more sinister reason. According to the New York Times he bragged about learning mandarin Chinese, he adopted the religion of Buddhism, and was a fan of the Asian martial arts. In addition he ended up in Hong Kong, which is now administered by communist China. Interesting isn’t it?

This all seems pre-planned, pre-meditated and well thought out. Mr. Snowden – Dr. Martin Luther King was a hero, Rosa Parks and President Ronald Reagan were heroes. Hero’s make a stand and stay and face the consequences, they don’t run and hide in the safety of the enemy



  1. Let me go on record first and loudly by pointing out (if you can’t tell the difference) that Ronald Reagan was no Rosa Parks. And he certainly cannot be compared with Dr. King. As a matter of fact, a case could be made for calling Reagan a bigger traitor than you are calling Snowden.

    But, getting back to the subject of your article, if telling truth to the world like Snowden has done is being a traitor – then the world certainly needs more traitors. Go and learn some truth and the truth will set you free.

  2. Tired of your rights being exploited by the NSA?

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