Friday, July 5, 2024

Stop big pharma price-gouging

The Alliance for Retired AmericansSource: The Alliance for Retired Americans

Did you know that Americans pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs? Did you know that since the creation of Medicare Part D, American taxpayers no longer pay the lowest government-negotiated prices for the drugs needed by low-income seniors and people with disabilities?

There is a common sense solution to reduce these high drug costs and eliminate the excessive profits of big drug companies. Click here to tell Congress to support it!

Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) have introduced the Medicare Drug Savings Act, S. 740 in the U.S. Senate and H.R.  1588 in the U.S. House of Representatives, that would eliminate this special deal for brand-name drug manufacturers. This legislation would prevent the big drug companies from charging the federal government higher drug prices for low-income Medicare beneficiaries than they charge for Medicaid.  The Medicare Drug Savings Act would save the federal government more than $141.2 billion over 10 years, money that helps all Medicare beneficiaries.

Please click here to ask your Senators and Representatives to co-sponsor this critical legislation.

Currently, the federal government negotiates lower prices both for veterans and Medicaid beneficiaries.  However, when low-income Medicaid beneficiaries were transferred to the Medicare program, price-gouging drug companies received a huge windfall, because they stopped offering the government the lowest, discounted rate.

Click here to ask your Senators and Representatives to co-sponsor the Medicare Drug Savings Act.


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