Thursday, June 27, 2024

Police Officer punches pregnant woman in the head

reiiooeA video has surfaced of the police seemingly arresting a man and woman on a residential property; and it is beyond disturbing.

When a woman screams at the top of her lungs that she is pregnant, how is it even fathomable that an officer of the law would then continue down a path of excessive force? Though the details surrounding the arrest are still unclear, what is clear is the woman’s pregnancy, and the cops’ brute force. “I’m pregnant! Get off of me. You’re going to kill my baby,” she yelled, as the officer ordered her to put her hands behind her back, as reported by Madam Noire.

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  1. Nine out of ten times, the police supervisors will cover up for the officer who committed this atrocity. The police will investigate themselves and find themselves innocent of any wrong doing of any kind. Then, the “sold out and bought off” politicians will go along with the program. This is why effective “citizens review boards” with the power to subpoena testimony and fire officers are needed all over the nation.


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