Thursday, July 4, 2024

Students can now apply for paid internship opportunities at two of the leading African American cable networks

bet_tvone_internships( — BET and TV One, the two largest Black-focused cable television channels, are looking for interns for the Fall 2013 season. Internships are available in career categories including media, communications, graphic design, marketing, public relations, and more.

The BET Networks Internship program provides paid internships for both undergraduate and graduate college students at five different BETN locations. They are open to both undergraduate and graduate students interested in working in the media industry. The internships will help students visualize what their careers will be like through actual work experience. During the Spring, Summer and Fall, students will find internships that match their skills and career interests. Each internship lasts about 10 weeks.

The TV One Internship Program offers internships to undergraduate college students in the Fall, Spring and Summer. The internships are for students interested in a career in the media industry. Internships provide real, practical work experience for students in the fields in which they are studying. Whether it’s marketing and sales, finance, legal, human resources, digital media, production or programming, students will find an internship opportunity that will enrich their learning and give them insight into their career options.

For more details about the BET Internship program, visit:

For more details about the TV One Internship program, visit:

To search hundreds of other 2013-14 internships, visit:


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