Saturday, July 20, 2024

Syria’s Human Rights Violations analyzed at SMU

2112621372912046331DALLAS (SMU) — The SMU Embrey Human Rights Program will be involved in two free public events focused on Syria — violations of human rights law, and the refugee crisis.

Wednesday, Oct. 30: “Syria in Conflict: International Law and Human Rights”

12:30 to 1:45 p.m., SMU Dedman School of Law, 201 Florence Hall,

on the SMU campus; RSVP required:

Featuring SMU Embrey Human Rights Program director Rick Halperin, three-time board chair of Amnesty International USA; Dedman Law Professor John Vernon; and Ayman Taleb, outreach coordinator of Dallas-based Shaam Relief Foundation.

Sponsored by SMU’s Muslim Law Students Association with support of the American Constitution Society, Human Rights Law Association, and International Law Society student chapters.

Sunday, Nov. 3: “The Syrian Refugee Crisis”

5 to 7 p.m., McCord Auditorium, 306 Dallas Hall, on the SMU campus

With Embrey Human Rights Program Director Rick Halperin as moderator; panel speakers Ayman Taleb, Shaam Relief Foundation outreach coordinator; Salem Akaad, Arlington-based president of Coalition for Free Syria and president of the Syrian American Council Dallas Chapter; and Ghada Mukdad, Damascus University graduate, former candidate for the Syrian parliament and current resident of Ovilla, Texas

Sponsored by the DFW International Community Alliance and Dallas Peace Center, with support from SMU’s Embrey Human Rights Program; Shaam Relief Foundation; Syrian American Council; CAIR-DFW; Amnesty International-Dallas; Peacemakers Inc.; Pax Christi Dallas; Code Pink Dallas; Dallas MoveOn; North Texas Veterans for Peace; and the North Texas Light Brigade.


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