Clifford Hall says he’s more than happy to pay child support for his 11-year-old son.
“I’m his father it’s my responsibility to take care of him,” Hall says.
But Hall says when the amount of child support was modified no one told him.
“I discovered for some reason his employer was withholding a large amount some weeks a small amount some weeks a zero amount some weeks,” says Hall’s attorney Tyesha Elam.
“I didn’t want to go to jail basically,” Hall says.
So Hall quickly paid almost 3 grand in back child support.
When Hall and his ex were in Judge Lisa Millard’s court last November he owed nothing.
“Opposing counsel testified twice that he’s all paid up,” says Elam.
Read why he was sent to jail:
I went through just about the same thing, but with all said and done I didn’t go to jail, but the judge did! Because the Judge hadn’t paid one dime in his child support!!!
WOW that was an interesting turn of events!
Same scenario different case. Still the same problem!