Not certain what moral universe Rep. Pete Sessions operates in when he can declare it immoral to help struggling American families suffering from long-term unemployment.
MSNBC reports:
“For quite a while, the line among conservative lawmakers was simple: unemployment benefits encourage lazy Americans not to work, so cutting off benefits will create an incentive to get these struggling folks off the couch. Indeed, at least one Republicans actually argued that jobless aid does a “disservice to these workers” and “weakens” the United States.In time, GOP lawmakers shifted their position, agreeing that they’d consider the policy they oppose if Democrats accepted a variety of concessions. But yesterday, a leading House Republican went backwards, returning to his party’s original position.House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) said Tuesday that it would be “immoral” to extend benefits to the long-term unemployed…. Sessions said he told Democrats that the answer was not extending benefits, but working with Republicans to create jobs.“I believe it is immoral for this country to have as a policy extending long-term unemployments [sic] to people rather than us working on creation of jobs,” Sessions said. “A job is the most important attribute, I believe, in a free enterprise system.”It’s an odd argument. For one thing, it’s not at all clear why the Texas Republican believes unemployment aid is “immoral,” and when the Huffington Post asked his office to explain the argument, Sessions’ aides didn’t respond.”
i hope you burn in hell and your children
OK just to be clear are you referring to us or Rep. Sessions?
I would think he was referring to Rep. Session. I’m also appalled at Rep. Sessions remarks and truly believe that someone should take away all his income and see how he’s able to cope typical Republican philosophy. They’ll do anything possible to make Obama look bad. The same GOP who supported Bush when he extended the unemployment and the unemployment rate was lower then it is today
So when pete sessions is unemployed next year will he consider himself immoral then….know a lot of republican unemployed texans who are not so thrilled with being called immoral tonight!
Immoral?? I will never vote GOP ever again
It is mind boggling. Given the fact he is feeling the heat from the Tea Party – expect more craziness from Sessions.
These days you learn to not assume LOL – but my guess is you are right.
It is unbelievable the lengths the GOP will go to these days in their determination to make Obama appear as a failure. May they receive the legacy they have “earned.”
…what is immoral is allowing Pete to be elected over and over and over again…a lot of folk ought to be really ashamed of themselves…especially (but not only) those who voted for him…
Many would agree with you on those points.