Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Farm Bill signed by Obama includes $8.7 billion cut in food stamps

farm bill signingOn Friday, President Obama added his signature to legislation that will cut $8.7 billion in food stamp benefits over the next 10 years, causing 850,000 households to lose an average of $90 per month. The signing of the legislation known as the 2014 Farm Bill occurred at a public event in East Lansing, Mich.

“Congress passed a bipartisan Farm Bill that is going to make a big difference in communities across the country,” said the president.

Obama’s remarks also focused heavily on economic inequality, which he has previously called “the defining challenge of our time.” The Farm Bill, he said, would “give more Americans a shot at opportunity.”

Read more at MSNBC.

Is he putting lipstick on a pig or making sound fiscal policy decision?


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