Saturday, July 6, 2024

Beyonce’s Time cover photo a bit disappointing

Bey1Does Beyonce’s Time cover photo look lovely and 1 trillionth time better than I will ever look? Absolutely!

But do I think the message of the cover is a bit disappointing? Absolutely! But I am left to wonder is Time celebrating Beyonce the entertainer, businesswoman, wife, mother or just the new bumping and grinding Beyonce? After all celebrating her sexuality is apparently a part of the 2014 edition of Bey.

I have been a fan since Irreplaceable because I loved the idea of an young and strong woman reminding her fans, “I don’t have to hold on to a piece of a man, just to say I got a man.”

The way Beyonce dropped her latest album was potentially revolutionary if it throws out the current marketing model. However, it is not really an album I have a lot of interest in hearing. But different tastes for different folks. 

In speaking with a younger fan today, we discussed if it is the Miley Cyrus factor or is it age? How much of this is Jay-Z’s thumbprint or are we seeing Daddy issues at play here? Beyonce fired him as her manager, then came his mama baby drama so she has kicked him to the curb reportedly. Has the new Beyonce always been there but when Daddy was running the show he nipped it in the bud?

But then again perhaps I am simply being naive, because at the end of the day why do we applaud Beyonce: her talent as a performer. So perhaps my disappointment should be with US. The most influential person today is an entertainer ~ again.

What do you think? Am I just getting old and cranky, or are we setting our standards a little low these days?

Read more about the Time issue here.





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