April 27, 2014 The mouse is 33 years old today Profile America — For many years, the word “mouse” commonly evoked thoughts of Mickey. But that association began to be eclipsed on this date in 1981 when the Xerox Corporation, then a major developer, introduced the mouse to the commercial computing world. Its 80-10 information system — with the mouse — didn’t catch on, mostly because it cost $20,000. But the mouse itself roared elsewhere in the computer industry and is still holding its own. Today, there are 420 domestic computer manufacturers in the country, along with almost 670 establishments making peripheral equipment and items. Together, they employ some 67,000 workers. You can find current data on the country’s economy by downloading the America’s Economy mobile application at www.census.gov/mobile. Sources: http://www.wired.com/thisdayintech/2011/04/0427first-computer-mouse/ http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/05/16/110516fa_fact_gladwell http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ECN_2007_US_31I1&prodType=table 334111 http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ECN_2007_US_31I1&prodType=table 334119 1 COMMENT This is an impressive website I always liked it LEAVE A REPLY Comment: Please enter your comment! Name:* Please enter your name here Email:* You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Website: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ Related Articles America’s healing can start with family around the holidays What we should think and do in the Trump era A loan shark in your pocket: Cellphone cash advance apps Professor Tonya M. Evans on cryptocurrency, Black wealth, and the high stakes of Trump’s Agenda 47 and Project 2025 March to Memphis: A small charter school in Irving receives historic invite to Bowl Game appearance Help send the UA Eagle Marching Band to the Liberty Bowl. Football season is winding down; and in the ranks of college programs that means a very few select teams are looking for the chance to play in a bowl game. The 7 most common Medicare SCAMS to avoid Being cautious about scammers is a “daily task” nowadays but these calls seem to escalate much more during the fall time of the year. Here are examples of the most popular: Backstage Chatter: Jubilee Theatre kicks off 44th season with 'Home' of their "Rooted" season title "Home" Director, Kris Black Jasper and stage actor, Gabriel D. Hill discuss the relevancy of this masterpiece written by the late Samm-Art Williams and how its message remains applicable to audience-goers today! Rep. Jasmine Crockett at the Democratic National Convention U.S. Representative Jasmine Crockett sat down with NNPA in the midst of all the excitement at the Democratic National Convention. Empowering Arts (Bishop Arts Theatre) This Broadcast Partner Spotlight focuses on the Bishop Arts Theatre Center, which brings live stage performances to the heart of Oak Cliff throughout the year. They also host a Jazz series and feature Speakers on a regular basis. The Real Deal: Gregg A. Smith's 18th album release party Dallas Blues legend Gregg A. Smith held an album release party at Six Springs Tavern in Richardson, Texas on Nov. 2 to debut his latest recording. NDG was on hand to celebrate the event, and get Smith's thoughts on the latest endeavor.
This is an impressive website I always liked it