Keller, Texas Independent School Board Trustee Refuses to Resign After Making Anti-Muslim Comments
This week at the Keller ISD board meeting, Trustee Jo Lynn Haussmann was censured for her recent Facebook comments.
Here is the exact quote “Do you realize because so few voters took the time and responsibility to vote in the municipal election, you now have a Muslim on [Southlake] city council? What a shame!”
She is correct. So few people did vote and it is shameful, on that we should all agree. She went on to call out the result of the shameful inaction, according to Haussman is the fact a Muslim was elected to the city council. And therein lays the controversy.
Let me first start by saying that if I were a Muslim, I would take note of this, perhaps not for the reasons you think. It should be a warning sign of things to come in Texas and the country.
Haussmann was only saying about Muslims in our local government and potentially in our school systems what many on the board of trustees and the city council were thinking.
Be honest, you as a Christian individual have concerns about any Muslim in charge of anything don’t you? I know I do.
Here is my question for Muslims who run for public office in this country: What Muslim country has a Christian on any local or national education system or government entity? Is there a Christian in charge of the anti-American schools in Saudi Arabia?
Here is an example of a Saudi Arabian school book according to the center for religious studies ‘The center’s report cites numerous examples. It quotes a fourth-grade text as telling students to “love for the sake of God and to hate for the sake of God.” The report says that textbooks instruct students that Christians and Jews are “apes and pigs” and warns students not to “greet,” “befriend” or “respect” non-believers’. I think you would be hard pressed to find a Christian teacher to teach that.
I want my leaders on our local governments to identify the same way I do about the worth and quality of human life. I want my elected leadership to practice true tolerance, not just one that satisfies your religion. It’s amazing to me that a true practicing Muslim can suddenly claim to give up certain beliefs just because they win a local office? Not likely.
I am saying what you are thinking. I believe very much what you believe. It is a clash of cultures and it’s a clash I intend to win, there is too much at stake.
Before you put fingers to key board and condemn me for my words, think about this: We as a Jewish – Christian society should be just as concerned about keeping it that way as the Muslims are about keeping Saudi Arabia Muslim.
Barry Curtis can be reached at www.thecurtisreport.com.
I am with her. Our country has let this Muslim thing go too far. In some of the country they now want their laws enforced. This is crazy. They are in America, obey our laws or go home. I would like to meet this lady. She is standing and Americans should stand with her ..
I do not think we can exclude them from Government. However, we certainly need to keep them in check. To paraphrase Pericles, “Just because you are not interested in Politics, doesn’t mean Politics isn’t interested in you.” Her comments were correct and the PC crowd be damned.
I await with baited breath the recently elected gentleman’s public recognition of Israel’s right to exist and his strong condemnation of the Saudi textbooks citef
Amen to all. Why do you think she said that? Look at what the top dog muslim did to our country. Our nation is built upon the foundation of God, and all should respect that!
I’ve been watching and learning about Islam for about 2 years now..and I’ve seen incident after incident of their treatment of women and “infidels” from enough different countries to say this woman is not only correct she was being polite with regard to Islam…I hear detractors claiming it’s peaceful and yet virtually every Imam supports and promotes the examples I’ve seen…look at what’s happening in Europe if you doubt …
I think she is correct if the Muslim feel that way about other religions and americans.
When people hear of terrorists acts, the talking heads always say it was caused by a few who simply misunderstand the “religion of peace” not true! There is no radical Islam, there is only ISLAM! These people are devout believers doing what their holy book dictates. But far more dangerous are those such as the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, ISNA and others who are involved in civilization jihad. They also plan on taking control and are doing exactly what Muhammad said. “Pretend to be friendly until such time as you have the power to attack and make the infidel (us) submit. Muslims have now infiltrated every part of pour society, including congress, Homeland Security, F.B.I., C.I.A., and even the White House itself. Islam is not compatible with our society, nor can it ever be. Thomas Jefferson who printed the first qu’ran as a warning also declared this ideology must never be allowed to infiltrate America. Unfortunately, it has.
The USA has NO place for islam in it. There are NO “moderate” muslims, if SHTF they will side with the radicals, it is their duty as written in the rag The koran. I am with Jo Lynn Haussmann.
There is no place Islam in our country. NONE!
TELLING THE TRUTH AND REPORTING REALITY is a no no in this despicable down hill slippery slope sliding society we are cursed with today.
I am getting sick of the censorship of the left. I posted about Islam the other week on FB and was blocked for two weeks. We should be able to express our concerns without this censorship.
So freedom of religion, a founding principle of this country, applies only if we happen to agree with the selected religion?
Facebook is not a “media” organization and if you posted anything on our fan page it is not moderated, so it would have posted immediately.
God Help Us !!!