Thursday, July 4, 2024

Grand jury has until January to decide if Ferguson cop will be charged for killing Michael Brown

Darren Wilson is the Ferguson policeman that shot and killed the unarmed Michael Brown.
Darren Wilson is the Ferguson policeman that shot and killed the unarmed Michael Brown.

A grand jury has until January 7 to decide whether or not to bring criminal charges against Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson,  who shot unarmed teenager Michael Brown to death on August 9, reports

St. Louis County Circuit Judge Carolyn Whittington extended the usual four month period, which expired last week, and now the grand jury has an additional 60 days to make a decision.

“She extended it to the full amount allowed by law,” said Court Administrator Paul Fox said.

Read more here. Do you think they are hoping we will forget about it and quietly not charge Wilson?


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